YUNA改完了应该是这个(假设仍然不能完成CLEAN的3lo):3f-3t,2a,3lz,(3lz-2t-2lo,2a+3TOE,3s,3flip)last two minutes,跳跃基础分47.51
IF the 3loop is there and injury recovers well, yuna can dump the 3salchow and increase her score to 48.06;also she can catch up with the score gap with her maturity and performance.
IF mao keeps on growing, I guess she will lose the 3A eventually, she can do the 3a because of her fast rotation but if she will be the same height as Shizuka, her success rate of the 3a in the future will definitely be lower! Miki's 4salchow is almost in the same situation, 4 years plus various injuries, seeing her injury picture just help me to confirm this thought,,
Anyway I doubt any of the three could deliver her jumping package like we suppose here in 2010 Oly games, it is so hard for a female skater to land so many difficult jumps at the same time, stability is quite crucial for any of them!
But take a wild guess, the lovely caroline zhang may benefit from the intense competition of YUNa, miki and mao; she will have a chance to be the unexpected golden lady like all the unexpected golden ladies from USA! Binshu Xu, if lucky enough would have a chance to medal, what am i saying here! hahahah,      
Why can't I type in Chinese when I edit the post?