[消息] 南茜·克里根脱口秀中不当言论引起众威迷愤怒

Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-10 00:41:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
近日,ABC正播出一档名为“Reflections Off the Ice”的谈话类节目,由前冬奥会女单亚军Nancy Kerrigan,还有Lou Tilley,Mark Lund三人主持。

“Reflections Off the Ice”是全美花滑锦标赛倒计时阶段的一档谈话评论类节目,主要内容是对今年全美战果作预测。她也是Nancy Kerrigan所主持系列“秀”中的一部分,其它还有“Evening of Champions”,“Under the Desert Sky”等等,都将在今后陆续与观众见面。

在美国时间1月8日的节目里,Nancy Kerrigan及另两位男主持的不当言论引起了众多Weir迷的愤怒。其言论不仅涉及他冰上的表现,还讽刺和嘲笑其音乐,服装,人品等等。

这档节目虽在ABC播出,但并不由ABC录制出品,而是由一家名为“CN8有线”的公司制作。而“CN8有线”的老板Jerry Solomon正是Nancy Kerrigan的老公。


节目一播出,威迷纷纷以发邮件、网站留言等形式抗议三人的不当言论。还有威迷写信给“CN8有线”的老板Jerry Solomon,责问他为何不对节目进行剪辑;94年冬奥会后他老婆被人说了不少坏话,他现在怎么又忍心让一位无辜的选手遭受相似的难看难堪......

Countdown To US Nationals--全美倒计时

男主持人一:Lou Tilley

男主持人二:Mark Lund

前冬奥会女单亚军Nancy Kerrigan

kenshinsai 发表于 2007-1-13 12:32:00 | 显示全部楼层





 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-13 12:55:00 | 显示全部楼层





 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-10 01:13:00 | 显示全部楼层


Lou: [...] Righ now, let's meet the defending champion, and what a character he is. American Johnny Weir.


(clips of Johnny training)
US mens champion Johnny Weir is known as much for his lyrical and fluid skating style, as he is for his free spirited and outspoken nature. But does he have the edge to capture a 4th consecutive national championship title?


Johnny: I'd love to go and win my 4th national championship title. It's such an honor to be the best man in the country. It's an honor to... have won 3 in a row. And the 4th in the row would be some kind of special thing in history, since no one's done it since Brian Boitano did. But, um, there is a lot of stiff competition and, again, guys that'd been training a lot longer than I have. And... I'm looking forward to going. I'm looking forward to... putting my best out there. And... that's all I can do. I can't control what place (?) I'm going to get. I can't control if I'll be perfect, and I'll have, you know, the skate of the season at nationals. But... I can try.

Weir began skate late, at age 12, but in 8 years emerged as the top American male skater by winning the national championships in 2004, despite many injuries. He skated on to successfully defend his title in 2005 and 2006.
Johnny: This one is... probably more stressful than the other one because I know I haven't had the preparation time. That's the main thing. Um... But I'm still very much upforward, I'm ready to go and to win again. And there's... there's no doubt in my mind that I can. Um... And I want it, just as much as any of my other titles or medals I've won. And... That's the (??) you have to go with it.

Openly critical about the scoring system, Weir is determined to maintain the balance between creative and technical elements of his programs despite the new rules.


Dick Button: You know... he's an intelligent, bright, creative person. And those are the guys that have hardest time with continued competitive work. Well, they're... locked into skating by the rulebook. I think he can handle it. I think he can do it. Remember: it's also a year in between the two peak years of the Olympic Games, and... sort of the start of a new cycle... Olympic cycle. So it's gonna be tough for him to maintain his interest and his enthusiasm. And if he can... He is a very talented skater and I think he'll do exceptionally well.

Always ready for a new challenge, Weir has been working hard to perfect both new long and short programs for this year's competition.


Priscilla: Training, training, training, and more training. (laughs) Um... Basically, he does have 2 new programs. And, um... I really like them for him. He is trying to get used to the new choreography, and work on... trying to upgrade his spins, and some new things like that... get the quad in... all of that. And then trying to get the programs trained so that he can skate them... full.


Johnny: It's a stronger look for me. And... it's... you have to be stronger (?). And that's something I wanted to portray, and doing something loosely based on Jesus Christ would be still controversial, so.. that's still kind of in my little nitch (?). Um... the short program: choosing a chess piece to sort of try to replicate and follows (?) is a very interesting thing to do. Overall... It's just a progression of... of me. You can't stay stagning (?), you can't do the same things every year. Because you never improve, you never learn.

(studio)(Johnny Weir批斗大会正式开始)

Lou: And... so there he is, Johnny Weir. As you've heard, once again, in front of the media [couldn understand it, sorry!]. And...(又是Johnny Weir.....
Nancy: Um, actually, I... I think he... if he goes out there and skates, it's gonna be tough competition. Um, but I don't really see him winning this time. It's a big... um... ah... Huge little (?) pressure to come back after the Olympic Games, and he's got a lot of pressure with Evan Lysacek came (to?) the Olympics and beat him there. (我觉得他这次全美拿不了冠军,Evan冬奥会就赢他了
Mark: ... beat him there. That's what I wanted to say. He's... He's 5th at the World Championships. (我也正想说呢,世锦赛也赢了他
Lou: He is really beatable. (他真是不堪一击
Mark: You'd think he's the olympic champion with all the amount of press and media this guy gets. (就他冬奥会的时候还倍受关注呢~~
Lou: Well, he does. (是啊,就他
Mark: He really tries to attract the media and.. attention to himself. "What I'm wearing on the ice and off the ice". And I'm sorry, I cannot wrap my head around (?) how just overly out he is without saying he's out. And... I'm sorry, I... just... don't think he's representative of the community I wanna be a part of. And wear who designs his outfits. (他不过就想引起媒体的注意,明明那么出位居然还不承认。我可不能忍受和这种人做同行。还有,他那身衣服谁给设计的?)
Lou: (laughs and sighs kinda awkward) Well, he's either a swan, or a motocyclist, or Jesus Christ, I'm confused. (他这身打扮.....天鹅?耶酥?我看是骑摩托车的吧~~)


Mark: He's comparing himself... I mean... I've heard himself talking about Jesus Christ, and, uh... so cannot, I'm sorry, compare yourself to the Lord Saviour as a figure skater. (听说他还把自己比作耶酥......
Nancy: (silently giggling approving while they're talking, but get's few attention)(偷笑中)
Mark: Forgive me, I'm um... I'm not the most religious person here, but I-I-I did go to, you know, some Bible study courses in my early years. (我可不是个虔诚的教徒,读〈圣经〉可是好多年前的事儿了

Lou: Aaaalright, now, what about is this an advantage for Evan? Because he's kinda loose canon to beat (him?) here. (Evan这次应该能赢他
Mark: Absolutely.(准能赢
Nancy: Absolutely. I think he... Evan is strong, competitive (?)... very... very capable of winning. I... He is my pick because I like his style, I like his confidence, um... I like the way he presents himself on and off the ice. He is a nice-nice kid. (准能赢。Evan场上场下作风都好,是个招人喜欢的孩子
Mark: (in the backgroung) Great.(是啊
Nancy: He is... I just see him overall maybe starting the next generation, this is the beginning step for the 2010 Games and... maybe it's time, um, for somebody new to be national champion. (今年是新奥运周期的开始,是全美易主的好时候~
Lou: I think Dick Button was trying to say what you said in a very direct way...(前面Dick Button就你这意思,不过没好意思直说罢了
(both men laugh and say "yeah")(是啊,是啊
Lou: ... that these guys are all over the place.
Mark: All over the place.
Lou: And... you have to focus on...
Mark: You have to focus. As a competitive figure skater, Nancy can tell everyone this, that you have to focus. You have to decide "What do I want?". "Do I wanna be the national champion?" or "Do I wanna be the world champion, olympic champion?" And Evan Lysacek has those goals in mind. I just talked to him this past week, he's a great guy. Great skater. Great competitor. And he has a classical elegance and masculinity on the ice that I think we need to see in male figure skating. And I'm sorry, I don't need to see a prima ballerina on the ice. And I know that probably Americans at home say that "oh, how can I say that?". But it's true. (作为一个运动员,你就该有目标有理想,Evan就是这样的人。他各方面都不错,风格经典而阳刚。我觉得我们需要更多这样的选手,而不是那种芭蕾舞女演员的风格。)
Nancy: Well... I think that Evan has a much more classic style.(恩,Evan的风格更经典
Mark: He does. (的确
Nancy: And... it can relate to more people. Where Johnny is... a little more out there. And it's hard for people at home to relate to him. And I think... (Evan的风格更易被人接受。而Johnny......太出位了,艰涩难懂
Mark: (in the background) It's hard!(是啊!)
Nancy: And... I guess it's his program this year. It's a little... flat, I think. (他今年的节目挺无聊
Mark: (constatly trying to grab the word) It's the choreography. (是编排有问题
Lou: We can all agree, no matter what community we represent, that the Swan thing was a bad idea. (无论如何“天鹅”都不是个好主意
Mark: Swan was a bad idea. I mean... All I could think of was "Swan Lake". And I'm like... whoo. (什么玩意儿,让我想起“天鹅湖”来了......
Nancy: (laughs)(大笑)
ice_skating 发表于 2007-1-10 09:34:00 | 显示全部楼层


看了一下他们的视频,他们很有意地丑化Johnny,不过新闻发布会的视频他们没办法,Johnny就是帅。然后他们就去找了一个Johnny穿棉袄练习The swan的视频(看起来是有点像摩托车手,而且他们反复放,给人造成那是正式比赛服的感觉),和2003年Johnny参加Eastens的比赛视频(地区赛看的人少,给人造成Johnny人气不高的感觉)这就是他们所有Johnny滑冰的视频。至于Evan的,他们特地去找了一个表演视频,有追光灯的,加上Evan当时穿的衣服上有反光片,给人一种光芒四射的感觉。这些人的谈吐,其实没什么内涵,没什么艺术修养,谈天鹅就是天鹅湖,非常主观,而且他们竟然批评Johnny扮耶稣,难道他们不知道Evan今年也扮耶稣吗?他们谈论全美倒计时,竟然没有一个本赛季的镜头。总结:素质不是一般的差,脸皮不是一般的厚。


 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-10 23:31:00 | 显示全部楼层






PS:06年年底,因Lysacek在中国杯和美国站的优异表现,美国奥委会授予他“November Male Athlete of the Month”的荣誉称号。(这该怎么翻?十一月最佳男运动员?)Lysacek也表示要在07年全美取得突破。



 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-10 12:37:00 | 显示全部楼层



batoucun32 发表于 2007-1-10 14:46:00 | 显示全部楼层



marlin 发表于 2007-1-10 18:18:00 | 显示全部楼层


B4一下.别的不说,谈到SWAN就蹦到SWAN LAKE这完全就是农民作风.还有什么叫成套晦涩难懂,想说自己缺乏鉴赏力也不用这么直接吧...还要特意强调Evan场上场下作风都好,暗示JW作风不好???


时差 发表于 2007-1-10 20:55:00 | 显示全部楼层


时差 发表于 2007-1-11 19:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
kenshinsai 发表于 2007-1-11 12:32:00 | 显示全部楼层



kenshinsai 发表于 2007-1-11 12:36:00 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-12 02:04:00 | 显示全部楼层

Outsports为一同性恋体育网站。Jim Buzinski为此网站创始人。在最近一期“Reflections Off the Ice”播出后,Bruzinski在youtube观看了节目的视频,也感到气愤不已,写下了以下檄文,对主持人之一Mark Lund进行了猛烈抨击。



作者:Jim Buzinski




openly gay = 已向大众公开自己是同性恋的人(以下文章简称其为“公开的同性恋者”)

homophobia = 同性恋憎恶(对同性恋感到极度憎恶)

masculinity = 阳刚

在体育界,如果有人憎恨同性恋,那是可悲的。但如果这个人自己也是个同性恋,那将会更可悲。而这一切发生在了美国花样滑冰运动员Johnny Weir身上。

在近期一档名为“Nancy Kerrigan的花滑世界”的节目中,Weir被狠狠地涮了。罪魁祸首就是《世界花样滑冰》杂志的创始人Mark Lund,一名公开同性恋者。他还是最近一期福克斯杯“与名人一起滑冰”的评委。




接着,Lund开始对Weir的主要竞争对手Evan Lysacek大肆赞扬。冰场上下,Lysacek都塑造了一种更为“主流”,更为“循规蹈矩”的形象。


这就是为什么Lund话里带着点“同性恋憎恶”的味道,还透露出丝丝不安— Lund认为“阳刚”只有唯一的标准。而Lund的这一观念正受到某人的冲击,这个人正不断拓展“阳刚”的含义。事实上,真正的“阳刚”可以以任意的形式体现。有时,围条女式围巾也是一种阳刚。而对于Weir,他的阳刚之气则统统体现于他的运动之中,体现于那极具戏剧性和艺术性的天赋之中。

Lund说这样的话说明了他很恐惧。他害怕美国主流社会不会接受一名不符我们通常意义上“男性”或“女性”的运动员。事实证明这种观念并不正确,至少花滑项目是这样。2006年冬奥会,Weir很受媒体亲赖,NBC让Johnny Weir成了家喻户晓的名字。人们笑了,但人们笑的只是Johnny那眨单眼、垂头打盹的“天后”模样,而不是笑他本人。

我说过,如果Johnny Weir不是gay,那我也不是gay。但公不公开这一切全在他。Weir心里清楚,花滑界的当权派可以在幕后操纵一切。如果他放开胆子承认,他就会受到惩罚。就如Lorrie Kim在去年那篇文章中说的那样:“有种局面一直没变,那就是在官员、裁判、冰协中,有很多人更喜欢‘阳刚’的男选手。当一名外表女性化的男选手上台发言,畅谈夺冠目标时,他们会感到刺眼。这种情况在美国尤其明显。”

花滑裁判Jon Jackson(一名公开同性恋者)回应了Lorrie Kim的这一席话。他说:“选手们绝对感觉得到这种压力。在我与每名同性恋滑冰选手的谈话中,我都能感受到这一点。他们深切地感受到,他们必须变得“阳刚”,否则他们很难‘过关’。”




这人说话的口气和威大少真像,又拽又损。看来他很为自己是openly gay感到自豪。不过有些话还是说得冠冕堂皇了,像是借着这件事为gay们争福利,为自己的网站炒作、造势。

现在知道了,gay也分三六九等的,高等的是openly gay,低等的是b i t c h y queen......


sherryadela 发表于 2007-1-12 09:18:00 | 显示全部楼层





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