遭人嫉恨,被弄得身心疲惫。但当风光不在时,谁还会在乎这些?当我感到不满时,我总是沉默不语,退避三舍,但始终保持微笑。永远心存感激,只为歌迷而表演,不断创新,哪怕只是扮个小丑。当一切落下帷幕时,谁还会在意那些? -- 克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉 "Been jaded, hated, who'll be around when the limelight's faded? Been shut down, pushed out, made to smile when I wanted to frown. Always taking a bow. Always working the crowd. Always breaking new ground. Always playing the clown. Who'll be sticking it out? Who'll be staying around, when the lights go down?" -- Christina Aguilera
用不着学别人,你自己就能做好一切。 --艾丽西娅·凯斯 "You can do it all, without trying to be like someone else." -- Alicia Keys
你永远不应安于现状,你应该一直想:这能行吗?一名艺术家的全部意义就在于此。 --贾斯廷·蒂姆伯雷克 "You should never be comfortable, you should be like; 'Is this gonna work?' That's what being an artist is all about." -- Justin Timberlake
对不起,你没资格对我下定论;对不起,我打破了常规;对不起,我说了真心话;对不起,我没按他人的意思行事;对不 起,如果我没有伪装自己;对不起,我这个人太真,从不隐瞒自己的真实感受。 --克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉 "Sorry you can't define me, sorry I break the mold, sorry that I speak my mind, sorry don't do what I'm told, sorry if I don't fake it, sorry I come too real, I will never hide what I really feel." -- Christina Aguilera
因为我坐在那儿捧着你的照片独自傻笑,别人便问我是不是爱着你。我正深陷于对你的无穷思念中,不用多想,我心中已有答案,绯红着脸回答道,是的。 --克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉 "People ask if I'm in love with you, cause I'm sitting here with your picture and smiling to myself. I'm kinda lost in my thoughts of you, my heart speaks before my mind thinks through and I blush as I say yes." -- Christina Aguilera
我过得很好,我得到了一切该得到的。噢,我过得很好,过去的都已经过去了。 -艾什利·辛普森- "My life is good, I've got more than anyone should, oh my life is good and the past is in the past." -- Ashlee Simpson
他矗立于激流的边缘,心存一个宏伟的梦。 --亚历山大·普希金 "Upon the brink of a wild stream, he stood and dreamt a mighty dream." -- Aleksandr Pushkin
艺术不是手工艺品,而是传达艺术家情感的工具。 --托尔斯泰 "Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced." -- Tolstoy
人人都想改变世界,但却没人会想到改变自己。 --托尔斯泰 "Everyone thinks of changing the World, but nobody thinks of changing himself." -- Tolstoy
上帝就代表着美,多么荒谬。 --托尔斯泰 "It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness." -- Tolstoy
我能理解万物,只是因为我心中有爱。 --托尔斯泰 "All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love." -- Tolstoy |