[讨论] 哪位大人能介绍一下加拿大冰舞选手B/K?

fjn219 发表于 2007-5-26 00:37:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
对他们不是很了解,只知道他们出名很早,96 97年两届worlds的铜牌,可是最后只是在03worlds拿到了他们唯一的一个世界冠军




franzlfan 发表于 2007-5-26 01:06:34 | 显示全部楼层
02oly是第四名,FD接近结束的时候摔了,555 不然还是有希望拿到奖牌的……
frenchrabbit 发表于 2007-5-26 01:26:35 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
fjn219 + 1 谢谢!!


 楼主| fjn219 发表于 2007-5-26 03:05:25 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #3 frenchrabbit 的帖子

The feeling begins之后再看B/K的节目,会觉得他们的表现有些浅,深度上有待提高......

柯钦 发表于 2007-5-26 11:45:29 | 显示全部楼层
xueyinghu2002 发表于 2007-5-26 11:51:51 | 显示全部楼层
在我心中 k/o也是仅次于g/p选手 甚至超过a/p 虽然没有如果 但想想这么优秀选手 没拿奥运冠军还是很可惜的
xueyinghu2002 发表于 2007-5-26 11:54:51 | 显示全部楼层
就说卡门吧 n/k技术确实不错 但表演有点肤浅 有点游离在音乐之外 刻意营造一种氛围 也许是k/o的表演确实太深入人心了
antony1986jl 发表于 2007-5-26 13:36:11 | 显示全部楼层
Penny 发表于 2007-5-26 16:09:17 | 显示全部楼层
我对K/O和B/K的喜爱甚至超过了G/P ,因为不是很喜欢G。BK的难度的确进步太小,但表现力是很强的。最喜欢他们的sometimes when we touch,难得看到他们慢板抒情风格。可惜啊奥运会没拿过奖牌,好在03年终于拿到世界冠军。
想见怀恋_100 发表于 2007-5-26 22:41:16 | 显示全部楼层


franzlfan 发表于 2007-5-27 00:38:42 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 想见怀恋_100 于 2007-5-26 22:41 发表

BUSYYLIIVING 发表于 2007-5-27 01:47:35 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 franzlfan 于 2007-5-27 00:38 发表


大概内容是,BK说GP的FD,是冰舞的一种倒退。G说BK'Riverdance的舞步,她很快就能学会(具体需要多少时间记不清了,总归是所需时间很短的)。最主要的还是CD Golden Waltz的争论。CBS还特意制作了个SIDE BY SIDE的comparison。汗,个人感觉当时杜老太起了很大的作用
frenchrabbit 发表于 2007-5-27 02:46:55 | 显示全部楼层
yueguang 发表于 2007-5-27 16:27:45 | 显示全部楼层
B/K01年的FD MARCH WITH ME也是非常经典的一个节目,很可惜,滑得那么好还是输给了L/A....
alexes 发表于 2007-5-27 17:53:20 | 显示全部楼层
关于B/K奥运会后对G/P 的FD节目评论华盛顿邮报有篇报道,因为原来的连接没有存,我就把原文贴在下面,杜老太的评论也很有意思[em44]

Grishuk, Platov Repeat as Olympic Champions

By Amy Shipley
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 17, 1998; Page C6

Russians Pasha Grishuk and Yevgeny Platov won the gold medal after their free dance program Monday. (Doug Mills/AP)

NAGANO, Feb. 16 — Russians Pasha Grishuk and Evgeny Platov tacked a second straight Olympic gold ice dancing medal onto a string of four world championship victories at White Ring ice rink tonight. They have not lost a competition since before the 1994 Olympics, but they endured a season marred by three falls by Platov in three separate competitions — all of which they won, anyway.
Tonight's results, though not surprising, could make this Olympic dance event best known for the questions it generated.

Will the gold medalists Grishuk and Platov be remembered as one of the best dance teams in history or the pair that stumbled repeatedly in competitions leading up to this Olympic gold? Will the fourth-place team, Canada's Shae-Lynn Bourne and Victor Kraatz, be remembered for whining for getting cheated? Will the silver medalists, Russians Anjelika Krylova and Oleg Ovsyannikov, or the bronze medalists, France's Marina Anissina and Gwendal Peizerat, be remembered at all?

In Friday night's waltz, Grishuk misstepped in front of the judges, yet she and Platov still received the night's best marks from a nine-judge panel that included five from former Eastern Bloc nations. On Sunday the International Skating Union announced that dance judges were advised during these Olympics to adhere to stricter guidelines with regard to falls during the original and free dances.

But in ice dancing, there is an unspoken tradition of allowing more mistakes by the current champion — evidenced by the Platov's and Grishuk's victories this season despite their falls. They went into tonight's competition in first place and there they remained.

Other than a stumble by Grishuk in one of the compulsories, Grishuk and Platov made no major mistakes. Grishuk said she and her partner felt immense pressure not to repeat the errors made previously, and that was why she began sobbing at the conclusion of the free dance tonight. The pair's success in these Games, however, failed to direct the focus from earlier in the season, even as they doubled the number of Olympic gold medals won by the most famous dance team in history, Great Britain's Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean. Torvill and Dean won only the 1984 Olympic gold.

"All of us remember how Torvill and Dean improved our sport," said Natalia Dubova, the coach of the fourth-place Canadian team. "I always ask myself what Grishuk and Platov do for me. They don't bring the sport up."

The Canadians, Bourne and Kraatz, leave here with nothing to show for their performance, other than the satisfaction of tonight's crowd-pleasing "Riverdance" program, which lead Riverdance dancer Colin Dunn helped develop. They finished third in the free dance, but it wasn't enough to lift them out of fourth overall.

Calling themselves advocates of reform for judging in ice dancing, Bourne and Kraatz have explained in detail in recent days how thoroughly they have been mistreated by the Olympic judging panel.

"I don't feel awful at all," Bourne said. "In fact, I feel like laughing. It's more of a joke than anything. You just look at it, laugh at it, and get past it. We skated so well, it's stupid, isn't it?"

Said Kraatz: "I really think it's sad that we have to be the only spokespersons for this. There are tons of other skaters that the same thing is happening to. ... They're just too chicken to speak up."

Krylova and Ovsyannikov — the silver medalists — weren't too chicken to speak up. Their choreography to "Carmen" was modern and innovative and, like "Riverdance," well received tonight.

"All I can say is, the public likes us better" than Grishuk and Platov, Krylova said. "I think we had a better program overall."

Grishuk and Platov seemed uninterested in the contentiousness. They were simply relieved to have skated to their own standards.

"It was extremely difficult for us to perform at this Olympics," Grishuk said.

"There was a lot of stress and a lot of pressure, not from the competition, but a lot of pressure from us. We knew we had a couple of falls earlier in the season just because our program is so difficult. ... We were very proud we could handle it. We were very strong."

And, as expected, they remained Olympic champions.

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