[设备器具] 鞋带的绑法...有标准吗?

摔哥溜冰帅 发表于 2008-1-17 17:04:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
冰山公主 发表于 2008-1-17 17:36:15 | 显示全部楼层
冰飞刃舞 发表于 2008-1-18 00:09:14 | 显示全部楼层
How To Lace Figure Skates

Lacing figure skates correctly will make the ice skating experience more enjoyable. Correct lacing of figure skates is very important and must be done a certain way.

Here's How:

1. Loosen up the skates.
By pulling the laces out a bit, the foot can be put inside easily.

2. Stuff the feet inside the boots.
Make sure the socks are straight and the foot is placed inside the boot all the way. Put the toe of the foot in first and then push the heel all the way down.

3. Tighten up the laces in the first half of the boot.
Work up from the toe to the ankle. Don't pull the laces too tight in this area. Just make sure that each pull is somewhat secure.

4. Tighten the laces the most where the foot and the ankle bends.
This is the most important part of lacing figure skates. Give the laces a good tug at this point and pull hard.

5. Next lace around the hooks.
Make a criss-cross pattern with the laces and pull with both hands around each hook. Some skaters like to put the laces over and under the hooks; others like to put the laces under and then over. Either option is correct. Again, don't pull the laces too hard. Leave some room for the ankle to bend.

6. Finish with a secure bow.
It is recommended to double knot the bow. Some figure skaters leave the top hooks empty while breaking in new boots.

7. Tuck the bow's loops inside the tops of the boots.
This will prevent the blade from catching the bow's loops.

(以上内容英文部分为转载,原文地址:http://figureskating.about.com/od/bootsandblades/ht/lacing.htm,因记得发帖规则中提到发纯英文帖需用中文概括大意,故作如上翻译。自知英文水平有限,望LZ见谅~ )


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sheldoncz 发表于 2008-1-19 05:00:41 | 显示全部楼层

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