"I remember Evan winning bronze so many times," Chan said. "It sucks not having won gold so many times. He definitely deserves it. He's the nicest guy ever."
Here is what I hope for the gentleman to whom I pass the title:
* May he enjoy his time as the reigning men's champion, knowing that for 365 days he may refer to himself as the "king" if he so chooses.
* May he continue with his life in any way he sees fit. If that happens to be at the Vancouver Olympics, then may it not weigh as added pressure on his shoulders, but instead increase his confidence.
* May he be a gracious winner and a good representative of the sport and acknowledge all those who helped him to the top.
* May the journey to this title mean more than the title itself. Dozens of years should mean more than those few seconds on the podium, in my opinion.
* May he be extremely proud of himself and sing his national anthem with a smile on his face.
* May he not actually refer to himself as king. That's just odd!