[讨论] ★ Evan Lysacek 讨论专题(I)★

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丽丽熊 发表于 2006-11-21 17:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用fs2046在2006-11-21 11:31:16的发言:

ABS上周日对Cup of China做了2小时的报道,男女单除前四名的自由滑外还放了 Emily Hughes的短节目(another Carmen!!!),冰舞只放了前两名的FD





最中听的解说词是:Paul Wiley说他希望明年的世锦赛看到双人比赛的前三名被中国队包揽,冲着这句话,I love you Paul!


 楼主| fs2046 发表于 2006-11-21 11:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用非砚在2006-11-20 0:46:27的发言:



I love Alexei too, especially after reading his memoir, I was really deeply moved. He's the only skater that I've seen so far skating with so much passion, and can interpret music in such a beautiful and powerful way. I fell in love with figure skating after I watched his fabulous performance at SLC Olympics, actually I love evan simply because I finally found someone that has the similar fighting spirit as Alexei (although nobody can replace him in my mind), I'll miss him. Wish him all the best.

 楼主| fs2046 发表于 2006-11-21 11:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用丽丽熊在2006-11-20 10:14:07的发言:




i used to have the habbit of collecting barbie dolls until i saw tanith, she's 1,000,000 times more attractive than barbie! and since i love evan, i'm really happy for him to find such a gorgeous and adorable girlfriend :).

 楼主| fs2046 发表于 2006-11-21 11:31:00 | 显示全部楼层

ABS上周日对Cup of China做了2小时的报道,男女单除前四名的自由滑外还放了 Emily Hughes的短节目(another Carmen!!!),冰舞只放了前两名的FD





最中听的解说词是:Paul Wiley说他希望明年的世锦赛看到双人比赛的前三名被中国队包揽,冲着这句话,I love you Paul!

 楼主| fs2046 发表于 2006-11-21 11:32:00 | 显示全部楼层




Scott SmithR&J难度不高但完成得很不错,他是美国队里少数几个可以做两种四周的人,只是比赛稳定性不好。这次他果断拿掉了四周,居然获得了personal best的成绩和参加GP以来的最好名次。这再次印证了我的观点,与其仓促上四,不如把精力多放在提高基本功,节目的质量和以及稳定性上。另外他长得真的挺像Leonardo DiCarprio呢,尤其是笑起来的样子很帅!鉴于Matt Savoi 正专心学业和Micheal Weiss已经退役,Scott很有可能跃升为美男3号,祝他明年的全美能够make the podium!

 楼主| fs2046 发表于 2006-11-21 11:40:00 | 显示全部楼层

在放Evan的比赛前有段非常cutefluffyoutube应该很快会有下载的,喜欢Evan的朋友不要错过。 其实他平时穿的随便哪件衣服都比TFBcostume好看一万倍!!!

下面是Peter Carruthers赛后对Evan, TanithBen访问的文字记录。时间关系就不翻译了,反正这里英文强人多如牛毛。()里的内容仅代表我个人的看法。

P=Peter (I think this guy needs to work on his attitude during the interview. He is kinda rude, always likes to focus on the negative things. Lots of skating fans dislike him. Terry, Dick or Paul can all do a much better job than him.)

E=Evan, T=Tanith, B=Ben

先是对Evan的访问(Evan looks really tired after the competition, hardly ever smiled, but he answered Peter’s questions concisely and politely)

P: First of all, Evan, great triple flip in the program but not in the short program, what exactly was the difference when you left the ice?

E: Today I had a solid pick in the ice and that’s the jump I used in my warm up, so it’s fairly easy for me. Yesterday I just slipped, it was out of my control and there’s no way that I can pull it in. Tonight I’m a lot more concentrating.

(其实这个short program还是有potentialEvan跳空的这个3f base value 5.5 ,而由于这个失误他的得分仅为0.2他的问题是比赛中太慢热,SP容易走神。如果能够像FS保持从头至尾100%concentrating,得到75+应该不是mission impossible. FS如果能上四周应该有155+的实力,这样进入230+俱乐部应该不成问题COP规则的理解,某种程度上是个数学竞赛Evan和他的教练组都应该是个中高手,算清这个帐应该不难。)

P: No quad, why?

 楼主| fs2046 发表于 2006-11-21 11:49:00 | 显示全部楼层


Peter 先问了Tanith如何评价自己在FD中的表现她还是一如既往地乐观开朗和伶牙利齿,完全没有被这个小小挫折影响情绪):

TIt’s certainly not our best, we had too many mistakes to hang on to the first place and we completely understand that. We have a lot of time to work on it throughout the season. We see the direction and needs to go. It has a great amount of potential, it’s a program we chose that we wanted to do, and we think the judges enjoyed it. Now we just have to work on the elements.

Peter接着问了Ben被世界排名仅第七的DS击败作何感想又是个挺欠揍的问题,但Ben的回答还是非常得体, and to be honet, I think Ben's performance is better than Tan's, he's a very solid skater):

BEverything is a sign of how competitive the ice dancing sport is nowadays. Everybody is getting better day by day, we have to work hard to stay ahead of the curve than behind the curve. It’s a fun program for us to do, it’s an exciting season and we’re looking forward to the next one.

大家谈论最多的莫过于这次BACoC debutFD ’That’s Entertainment’ Susie在解说时对它的评价我认为非常准确,为了不引起翻译走样,我决定把她的原话写出来:

Terry: You think it suits them?

Susie: Right out of the game, my first impression is that the music has an old-fashioned symphonic sound, sort of like a black and white TV. I’m not sure if it’s strong enough to captivate the audience, and that’s their strength to just make the best of the music and use that music to drive the concept.

Terry: As a concept, where’re they trying to take us as skaters? Take the audience back to a pure golden age and move us or just entertain us as the Disney parade?

Susie: I think they’re trying to take us back to a pure golden age of Fred Asterie and Gene Kelly.

科科 发表于 2006-11-21 14:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
wushuang122 发表于 2006-11-30 18:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
我是一个狂爱BELBIN MM的一个人,EVAN也是男选手中最稀饭的!真希望2010年他们都能拿冠军,不过难度不小.BELBIN他们什么时候能拿出一套象法国D/S一样质量的节目啊?
rainfeel 发表于 2006-11-23 09:53:00 | 显示全部楼层

海洋饼干 发表于 2006-11-25 01:39:00 | 显示全部楼层

在放Evan的比赛前有段非常cutefluffyoutube应该很快会有下载的,喜欢Evan的朋友不要错过。 其实他平时穿的随便哪件衣服都比TFBcostume好看一万倍!!!

where's it?
海洋饼干 发表于 2006-11-25 01:40:00 | 显示全部楼层

在放Evan的比赛前有段非常cutefluffyoutube应该很快会有下载的,喜欢Evan的朋友不要错过。 其实他平时穿的随便哪件衣服都比TFBcostume好看一万倍!!!

what's it?

 楼主| fs2046 发表于 2006-11-25 08:09:00 | 显示全部楼层







 楼主| fs2046 发表于 2006-11-25 08:13:00 | 显示全部楼层

Ice Dancing news from Cup of Russia:

今天的compulsory dance主题是技术难度极高的Golden WaltzCD一直是BA的弱项,今天他们再次败给了宿敌 ,俄罗斯的希望之星Domnina & Shabalin,屈居第二。这两对选手从世青赛一直恶斗到成人赛,BA曾经占先,但DS今年的进步神速,已渐渐赶上了他们。看来BA真的要加油了!下面是来自国际冰协的官方报道:

Dressed all in white, Belbin/Agosto put out a solid Waltz and received 36.56 points (18.06/18.50). “I think that we did a good job for what we’re capable of with our training of this dance. We felt pretty calm which is good. I think that we’ve made an improvement over our compulsory dance performance in China. That’s all what we want to do here – to show improvement”, Belbin commented. “We tried to start training this dance before China along with the Rhumba but obviously it’s a very challenging compulsory in our opinion the most difficult. So it takes time, but we’ll have it again at Nationals, so we’ll keep on training it now, hopefully it will get better.”

 楼主| fs2046 发表于 2006-11-25 08:30:00 | 显示全部楼层

Evan Lysacek - Boy to Man










Evan's 2006 (from left to right: Olympics, Wolds, GP (cup of china)



Remember,‘Nothing is impossible. Impossible is nothing.

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