原帖由 玉儿家的思彤 于 2009-6-23 19:00 发表
不好意思插个楼 送上SS教练INGO1997年与女伴获得世锦赛冠军时的EX WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER
21] 1997 Worlds Woetzel and Steuer EX [Who Wants to Live Forever].avi (38.41M, 2009年6月30日 18:51 到期), 查看下载信息
The first show-down between the reigning World Champions and the two-time Olympic bronze medalists Xue Shen and Hongbo Zhao will happen in the Final. The Germans watched the performances of their rivals from their two Grand Prix events on video. "They were strong," noted Savchenko. "We will see who is better. It will be exciting." Savchenko said.