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Rien n'a encore été officialisé mais le patineur poitevin Brian Joubert travaille de nouveau avec l'entraîneur qui l'avait découvert et révélé, Véronique Guyon. Des retrouvailles qui étaient dans l'air du temps depuis plus de trois mois, après que la collaboration du Poitevin avec Laurent Depouilly se soit achevée début mai.
Véronique Guyon avait entraîné Brian Joubert de ses débuts à juin 2003 avant que les deux parties ne se séparent en raison de divergences de points de vue. Le duo s'était reformé de janvier à juin 2005, mais la collaboration n'avait duré que six mois. Elle vient de reprendre de nouveau.
S'ils ne souhaitent pas s'exprimer sur le sujet pour le moment, Brian Joubert et Véronique Guyon ont repris ensemble lundi dernier l'entraînement, à la patinoire de Poitiers.
Nothing has been finalized but the skater Brian Joubert Poitiers working again with the coach who had discovered and revealed, Veronique Guyon. The reunion that were in the air time for over three months after the collaboration with Laurent Poitevin Depouilly will be completed in early May
Veronique Guyon had led Brian Joubert of its debut in June 2003 before the two parties are separated because of differing views. The duo had reformed from January to June 2005, but the collaboration lasted only six months. She recently resumed again.
If they do not wish to speak on the topic at the moment, Brian Joubert and Veronique Guyon resumed training last Monday together at the rink in Poitiers.
到底是不是最后的没确定,但是有人看见猪现在和他启蒙教练 Veronique Guyon在练习
Brian Orser said Brian Joubert's time at Toronto's Cricket Club this summer was brief but productive. "He came and got his programs done with David Wilson at another rink, and worked with us for two weeks. We did get a lot of work done; he loved the environment here. He's a nice, nice guy, and he worked hard. I was very impressed." Joubert, like Evgeni Plushenko, has been criticized for lacking transitions in his programs, and that was an area they targeted: "I think Brian has a better understanding of transitions; he knows they can actually be fun, if you understand them. He worked on his skating skills. Tracy [Wilson] holds stroking classes and he was involved with them."
Brian orser说猪在他那里的训练很有成效,
猪之前被诟病的衔接问题有了改善,他也找到了其中的乐趣 |