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[赛事] 科尔皮2011-12赛季比赛消息

 楼主| 火车叨过去 发表于 2012-2-4 08:15:39 | 显示全部楼层

      Finland’s Kiira Korpi won the silver medal at the ISU European Figure Skating Championships 2012 held in Sheffield over the weekend. Korpi has now attended the European Championships eight times, and three times she has delivered a podium finish (bronze in 2007 and 2011, silver in 2012).
      On Saturday evening, Korpi celebrated her silver medal with restraint. A sip of sparkling wine, a late dinner, and then off to bed.
     “Tomorrow, Sunday, we will have the exhibition gala, for which there will be a compulsory rehearsal in the morning. I want to show appreciation to the audience by preparing carefully”, Korpi said in a medal celebration event held in her hotel.

      在周六正赛结束的当晚,对于这枚宝贵的银牌科尔皮的庆祝方式还是尽可能保持克制, 也许在睡梦中,科尔皮还能感受到晚宴美酒的齿颊留香。
      "同时在当晚科尔皮的受访中,她也没有忘记观众对她的鼓励和支持,为了保证第二天表演滑的演出效果,我们还是有义务在周日上午进行预演彩排 ,我想以饱满的训练准备热情来回报所有的观众"科尔皮在宾馆如是说道。

    "A big thanks to Kiira. You provided us with a great moment here”, praised Finnish Figure Skating Association chairwoman Susanna Rahkamo-Kokko, herself a European Champion and World Championships silver medallist in the ice dance category with skating partner and subsequent husband Petri Kokko.
       Moments earlier, Italy’s Carolina Kostner had secured the European Championship by a comfortable margin, but that did not seem to bother Korpi.
      "I must say that even though England is not a huge figure skating nation the audience has supported us wonderfully. And there were so many Finnish spectators in the stands! That was truly a positive surprise”, Korpi said.
当芬兰冰协主席苏珊娜女士欣闻科尔皮在欧锦赛中历史性的斩获银牌时不禁发出如下的赞叹:感谢Kiira,你为芬兰带来了这一荣光时刻!(苏珊娜女士在欧锦赛和世锦赛的冰舞比赛中都曾是银牌获得者,其舞伴Petri Kokko同时也是这位芬兰冰协主席的第二任丈夫)

     After she had finished her free skating effort, there was a moment of excitement for Korpi, who, as it turned out, had had one too many triple jumps in her programme. Would she miss out on the gold medal because of this?
     Korpi has repeated the same programme throughout the season, but only at the European Championships did the judges notice the error.
     As it happened, Kostner, leading from Kiira Korpi after the short programme, did more than enough on Saturday to take gold, and Korpi's "lost points" mattered little, though they did narrow the gap perilously to third-placed Elene Gedevanishvili of Georgia. The margin between silver and bronze was eventually just one point。
      Korpi now has to alter her programme to comply with the regulations before the World Championships in Nice at the turn of March-April.
     “Perhaps we will add another more difficult jump. But I do feel confident that the European Championships ended on a high note for Kiira and that she will enter the World Championships feeling positive”, coach Maarit Siromaa said.

   “也许我们该额外再上一些有难度的跳跃,但是科尔皮在欧锦赛的高光表现的确让我对她的世锦赛之旅充满信心,科尔皮内心似乎也是如此",教练Maarit Siromaa 如是说道。

     The setting in women’s topflight figure skating will change next year, when a group of young and prodigiously talented Russian skaters will be granted permission to compete in the adult series.
    “The quality is constantly improving and the routines are getting more and more difficult. So, a skater cannot rest on her laurels”, Siromaa explains.
     According to Siromaa, the 23-year-old Korpi still has reserves to better her skills. “Of course she does. Naturally it’s also about staying fit and healthy, but there is definitely still room for improvement.”

      On Sunday Korpi performed in the exhibition show, but today, Monday, she will fly home and is supposed to turn in some university work.
     “Fortunately I have been given a 24-hour extension, so perhaps I can turn the projects in on Tuesday”, Korpi said hopefully.



Mozart和tianpeng,您二位加分出手真阔绰,谢~  发表于 2012-2-5 23:35


参与人数 2体力 +20 人气 +3 贡献 +5 收起 理由
Mozart + 10 + 1 + 3 辛苦翻译
tianpeng + 10 + 2 + 2 辛苦翻译


piu22 发表于 2012-2-5 09:51:33 | 显示全部楼层
好美的姑娘。下巴稍稍圆了一点儿,有点baby fat, 估计是因为年纪小,大概27,8以后脸瘦下来,就是标准的明星脸蛋了。
 楼主| 火车叨过去 发表于 2012-2-25 13:43:28 | 显示全部楼层


"I set out on the journey sincerely hoping to bring joy to that nation, and also, after nearly a year and a half, to seek experiences of what it is like to perform once again in front of a crowd. Only those two things were on my mind."


 楼主| 火车叨过去 发表于 2012-3-27 01:35:55 | 显示全部楼层

"So proud of my friend Laura but also so sad that she won't be competing anymore. She's a true champion, fighter and great  
  role model!"





芬兰女单的黄金时代可能就此结束,但我们不会忘记这些美丽的北欧女孩演绎的冰上美丽。  发表于 2012-3-27 01:40
飞天神猪 发表于 2012-3-27 13:55:32 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 火车叨过去 发表于 2012-5-20 01:08:34 | 显示全部楼层

Kiira Korpi kannustaa Mikko Koivua ja muita kavereita

科妹子的新推:kiirakorpi_fi: Leijonat ei luovuta!! Today we lost to a better team but tomorrow there's still a chance to fight for a medal! :)

科尔皮在现场观看了冰球世锦赛芬兰和俄罗斯之间的半决赛对决,尽管芬兰坐没能坐镇主场成功卫冕,但科尔皮还是为Mikko Koivua等队员送上鼓励,深夜附赠妹子现场图片


参与人数 1体力 +15 人气 +3 贡献 +3 收起 理由
鱼类 + 15 + 3 + 3 感谢即时消息


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