guys,just calm down and think about your stripping worship about Michelle!we've been mentioned so much about such an contraversial issue,what are you really looking forward to seeing on her and how far is she gonna bring it? i am actually suspecting whether she loves FS from the bottom of her heart, is that what we call "love"?just choreograph those garbage programs over and over again,or is that appropriate for us to name that to be consistancy on pursuing reputation. someone never stop on barking,"michelle just preserved it !""i just want her to win!".....blah blah blah isn't that rediculous? what if INA do if michelle kwan have landed 6 or more triples? definetely would she plan 3-3-2 and 7triples overall.Fans of Michelle "just want her to win",and that's all about it,nothing else,no matter how boring the program is.come on guys,meditate it and act it of sufficient "sober"! i used to be crazy about michelle,however,not anymore after she gave up this target on this art. maintaining medals seems much more appealing to her rather than creating marvelous artistry on no more gangs! just stop it ! |