fsu上有个帖子,文章来源是http://www.turkishpress.com/news.asp?id=80049 "The quality of his (Buttle) skating is good but he doesn't do the jumps," complained Joubert. "You can't be the Olympic champion without doing a quad. What annoys me most is that risk-taking hasn't been rewarded here." But with just two Grand Prix events left in Russia and Japan, Joubert, the 2004 world silver medallist, will have to wait to see if he qualifies for the elite six-field final next month. Competitors can only compete in two of the six legs. "The final is very important because it's the only way to measure yourself with the best skaters in the world before the Olympics," said Joubert. brian也开始牢骚啦~~ 可怜的brian,cop的受害者~~~(请允许我对这位帅哥表示一下同情) 照这样看,好象没四周还真能进奥运会前三啊~~难道我原来的想法错了? 好象一到奥运会赛季,就有加拿大的选手被狂捧啊...... |