说实话这个消息也不算出乎意外了~~在知道她之前训练那么困难的时候我就觉得她可能要麻烦了。不过看到她说的话还是很难受的“This is what I have, this is it," Kwan said. "I can't change anything that's happening. This is my body and this is the best I can do. This is your last hurrah. My career's not that long any more." 照这样下去的话,到时候全美能够不摔地完成节目就很厉害了~~搞不好前三都进不去。也许美国冰协会根据新政策给她一个名额吧?就好像当年的Nancy Kerrigen,难道这是宿命吗?
“This is what I have, this is it," Kwan said. "I can't change anything that's happening. This is my body and this is the best I can do. This is your last hurrah. My career's not that long any more."