Just finishing watching top 3 ladies' long programmes
1. Slutskaya, no doubt to win, but seems no passion there! can't remember the details.
2. Sokolova, the best performance from her, jumps are all solid, and her performance impressed me a lot. Opening with a 3lutz-2toe-2loop, and then a solid 3filp. 3 sal, high quality. second 3 lutz, very high. Then a 3 loop, she seems so happy with that. 3 toe, great! straight line steps, so much passion, powerful!! 2axel-2toe, nice!!! much improved programme, but the spins are still weak.
3. Caro, good performance. Opening with a strong 3flip-3toe combination. then a 3lutz, nice. 3 turns into a 3 loop, great!! 2 axel. 2axel-2toe( I guess she's going for a 3toe, but apparently she lost her control of the body, finishing an ugly 2toe).2axel-half loop-3 sal, nice! steps into 3sal (fall!!!)