Russian Sportcom, which must have a figure skating, quota reports:
\"We already made both new programs - short and long, but the music is still a
secret. The pair is working on new elements, one is ultra, of highest
difficulty. For now which one it is is our secret. The athtletes will have ice
at Yubileini until mid-June and then they will go to camp in USA, New Jersey,
where they will join the ice dance group of Evgeny Platov. The athletes have
set high goals for next season. yuka Kawaguchi sadi their firs goal is to make
the GP Final and then Sasha and she will try for top 3 at Europeans and worlds.\"
_ Tamara Moskvina.
大意是 K&S 已完成新节目的编排,但音乐现在还保密。他们目前也正在操练新动作,其中一项是超难动作,暂时保密。他们本赛季的目标是进入大奖赛的总决赛, 并争取在2008欧锦赛和世锦赛进入前三!!
我现在是越来越烦这一对,就象大伙说的,真想往她的血盆大口里扔个馒头。就那水平,还猖狂的不得了。。。 Enemy number one!