- Which goals did you have for this season?
Yana:First of all our goal was to change our style; then, to improve ourtechnique of course and, as usual, to invent something different fromstandards and other teams, to stand out in a good way. These are ourmain goals.
Sergei: This means to skate better than we did last season.
- Did you change anything in your training process comparing to last season?
Sergei: Yes, we had classes with a supplementary choreographer, though still didn’t have much time to work with her yet.
- Who is she?
Sergei: Stepanova Tatiana Vladimirovna. Also we spent much time improving different technical elements.
Yana:Yes, we gave a lot of attention to technique, especially to stepsequences, both when creating programs and when working them through.
- Tell me about your new programs, why did you choose gypsy theme for the original dance?
Sergei:We chose it, because last year we unintentionally used this music forexhibition number. Our coaches and the audience liked how we fit inthis music. That’s why we decided to make a gypsy original dance aswell.
- What about your free dance?
You said you changed the style?
Yana:Yes, the idea of the free dance belongs to our coaches. I and Sergeiboth liked this idea at once. The music is well-known, but in a new,non-typical interpretation. I think the choice was specified by the wayour coaches saw us in this character. As our experience shows, they hadnever been mistaken in the choice of style for us before. I think thiswas the right choice. We’ll see how the judges will estimate it.
- How did you training process go this season, no injuries?
Sergei: Yes, this year we didn’t have any major injuries, nothing what could disturb the practices.
- You trained in Moscow and went to training camp in Novogorsk?
Sergei:Yes, we’ve spent quite a lot of time in Novogorsk, been there for 3times I think. We also went to Perm for the second event of the Russiancup.
- How do you like this system when you spend lots of time in training camps where everyone trains together?
Sergei:I think this is good. When you train separately, you have no chance tosee other teams. And when your rivals get ready to competitions at thesame place, you pay attention to them and start training in a differentway. That’s why I think this is very useful for us.
Yana:I think that this is a positive practice. When you work in your owngroup, you watch other skaters, but this is different. The spirit ofcompetition appears even at the trainings, this is a good practicebefore the competitions. Before competitions in Perm we already skatedfor the judges and that was a good experience for the beginning of theseason. When you have your first competition in a season you alwaysfeel overpressure. This time it was easier, because we have alreadyshown our new programs to the judges. That was important for us to knowthe opinion of technical specialists and the judges and we had time tochange some details in the programs before the competitions. Thisexcludes some incidents during the actual competitions.