第一名! 又进步鸟! 恭喜恭喜!
快步舞跳得太~~~棒~~~了,第一个出场,居然拿下全场最高分,连最严厉的评委大爷都几乎挑不出任何毛病,网上review一致滴有赞无弹。 更可贵的是比赛前的短片里Evan对自己受伤的事守口如瓶,换成其他名人,肯定要大做文章的。
第三周: 让人眼花缭乱的Quick step,他们扮演的是一对20年代摩登又口耐滴小夫妻,打情骂俏,妙趣横生。 表现渐入佳境,小雷子的笑容一周比一周灿烂鸟。
发型师是不是收了发胶厂的回扣?!! Evan幽怨地说发型师给他喷发胶多到让他恶心,把每根头发都粘在一块了,他担心不管用多少洗发水洗头都洗不掉。
第二周:让人热血沸腾滴Jive, 粉有爱的猫王头,小短裤子,小粉袜子
第一周: Waltz, 优雅华丽滴白马王子
Erin, whose lawyer revealed this week she's been receiving death threats and sexually explicit emails and phone calls from another stalker, said she's taken solace from her new "family."
"When everything went down," she tells us, "it was very upsetting and not easy for me to deal with, but this scenario right now, being with Maksim and all the other dancers, it's like a family when I'm away from my actual family right now. If it had to happen, it couldn't have been better timing."
And in case you didn't hear, Erin is particularly close with Lysacek.
"Erin is one of my best friends, and I hated that I wasn't here with her this week," Evan told us backstage at DWTS. "We've been traveling, but as soon as I got to Los Angeles I've been around her every second for the last two days."
We caught up with Erin and Evan later last night at Hollywood hot spot Industry, and when asked what he'd do to the guy who allegedly sent Erin the threatening calls and emails, he shot back: "I'd take him down, with my skating blade."
Erin最近收到了变态粉丝的死亡威胁,雷大侠见义勇为,为美女姐姐担当护花使者的角色,并且表示如果有人敢对Erin下手,他会拔(冰)刀相助。Evan果然是一派侠骨柔肠,剑胆琴心的大侠风范啊! 这么完美滴男人,哪个美女能不爱呢?
- 这是他的侧手翻处男秀,他很小的时候玩过,很多年米练,居然身手依旧不凡!
- 受伤的脚趾是左二和左三,记者说形容下是啥样的,他说淤青的。比赛前Anna负责给包扎的,说现在已经变成紫红色了。
- Anna说这周本来心里最没底,因为1)从东岸到西岸光飞行就花了一天多;2)Evan受伤又耽误了一天多,所以一共才训练了4天,quickstep本身是个挺难的舞蹈,没想到小雷子那么勇敢而且学得那么快。她说昨晚的表演是他们一周以来最棒的一次。
- Anna狠狠地夸了Evan,说介娃断了两根指头,还能跳得介么精彩,为师的灰常灰常为他骄傲,乃们不投他票奏太对不起他的努力鸟!然后恨不得说了100遍 He's amazing!!!
- Evan透露如果能晋级,他们下周要跳Tango!!! 这对他又是一块米开垦过的处男地。
“It happened last week in our sound check for the jive,” he explained. “I was afraid the shoes that were my size would come off because my heel was slipping so I wore shoes that were a little small. I hit it funny when I had to jump over Anna’s head in a split. It felt okay and I didn’t tell her and it just got progressively worse.”
断指很疼,查了查字典,throbbing pain是抽痛的意思,
Things are getting really freaky for Evan Lysacek and his broken toes.
"Someone set up a Twitter page for my toes," Lysacek told me earlier today. "Evanstoe tweets more times a day than I do!"
While toe tweets may be funny, Lysaceck isn't exactly laughing about the piggies he injured during his Dancing With the Stars training. "They hurt," the Olympic gold medalist said. "It's a throbbing pain, which doesn't feel good, but at the same time I'm not going to let it affect me too much."
现在有三位最好的医生在给他治伤,不过骨折也没什么好办法,他的疗伤方法只有三种:1)冰敷;2)吃止疼药; 3)1)包扎(用绷带把断指和其他脚趾绑在一起)。不过他说以前有过拖着腿断脚参加比赛的经历,这点痛算不了啥。[em66]
There's really not much you can do for broken toes, is there?
I've seen three good doctors, and they've all said the same thing: ice them, take painkillers and tape them up. I've had much worse injuries. I've skated with a stress fracture in my hip and my foot. That's much more painful.
Do you have to keep going to doctors to make sure everything is healing correctly?
I've had three appointments this week, but I'm done with them. There's a great doctor that's affiliated with the show who gave me some topical painkillers so that I'm not constantly taking painkillers, because they're so hard on my stomach.
由于昨天的出色表现,今晚Evan和Anna的quickstep的裁判团推选的本周舞蹈做返场演出。 还有,DWTS已经连续三周稳坐收视率第一鸟,撒花!
接下去又是辛苦的一周,但愿超人拼命三郎Evan Almighty童鞋好好爱惜身体,千万表再受伤了。 早点找个好归宿吧,姐姐级的也成,妈妈级的也成。 |