排练片断太有爱了,小雷学Wall-E和扮机器人那段尊素绝倒,笑喷~~ "maybe my hip will be better in the future!" 这家伙不当笑星太可惜了。
裁判打分继续让人摸不着头脑,好消息是Len终于承认Evan的步法和舞姿都已经无可挑剔,坏消息是他对Anna的大胆编舞感到“困惑”,华尔兹的开头的百年梦醒,还有未来派cha cha里的机器人斗舞,偶看来都是精彩亮点,到老古董裁判眼里就变成扣分的理由,如果这样,索性把奖杯直接给Nicole算了。
Evan的blog: 未来cha cha舞
Hi everyone! We’re just hours away from our eighth performance show of the season. If I sound energized it’s because Anna and I had an amazing road trip since last week’s shows. TheStars on Ice tour swung through Chicago over the weekend, which allowed me to spend a little bit of time with my family –- especially my mom. It was a little bit of quality time that meant the world to me and put me in great spirits to come back to Los Angeles on Sunday morning.
This week, each of the remaining five couples will dance two full routines. Anna and I have the slow waltz. It’s a bit different than the Viennese Waltz we performed earlier. It’s different timing, different tempo and a different vibe. Do I sound like a dancer? I think after this many weeks of rehearsing the different dances I’m catching on to the lingo and I actually understand what I’m talking about. The waltz is a beautiful, enchanted dance for us — and one I hope you all enjoy watching.
Our second dance will apply to this week’s decade theme. Each couple will perform a routine that exhibits the flavor of a certain decade, and Anna and I will be dancing our cha cha to ‘the future.’ It’s so fun to see her rise to the challenge of not only choreographing a new cha cha, but one that has a futuristic vibe to it. We worked on technique, of course, but we also worked on including some android-like moves (not too robotic) that would remind you that we’re from the future. Because we were traveling, we didn’t get a sneak peek at what the others are doing for their theme performances. So again, the fan in me is excited to see what my pals have come up with for their respective decades.
As the weeks are winding down toward the end of season 10, I am feeling really good about all of the shows we’ve done so far. My goal when I signed on to do Dancing with the Stars was to learn all of the dances that I could. I wanted to know that by the end of my time here I could do a paso doble, a cha cha, a waltz and more. I think the mirror ball trophy could be anyone’s this season. It’s probably going to come down to the freestyle dance and the audience vote.
But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. In fact, none of us wants to look too far ahead. We’re taking things literally dance by dance, week by week. The mentality I’ve had as an athlete all these years is to take care of my job on a given day because that’s all I can control. That’s how we’re all viewing the remainder of the season –- starting with tonight’s show. Sit back and enjoy, and by all means don’t forget to VOTE! –Evan Lysacek
如果参赛伊始的目标是学完所有的舞,那么恭喜Evan在进入四强后即将完成这个愿望。 因为最后一周的总决赛除了自由舞,会从过去比过的舞蹈里选一支摩登舞和一支拉丁舞。
很喜欢华尔兹服装,浅浅的薄荷绿色代表青涩的young love,清新,甜蜜,浪漫,仿佛童话故事里走出的王子和公主。
未来世界的机器人造型,超酷,Evan向上翘起的一撮毛粉QT,Anna巨像第五元素的女主角。Evan原来给自己设计的服装里有一件蝙蝠侠款的黑背心,被“阴险”的制作人以"像防弹背心"为由被拿掉了,只留下这件打底用的透视装 !!!
胖J说要把票投给Evan和Erin,& rooting for Evan to win the mirror ball trophy.
TV Guide杂志的最新封面: 与星共舞之双雄对决,可惜米拍新照片
TV Guide的最新访问里,记者发现小雷子越来越瘦了,人也特别憔悴,原来他这两个月一直忙于舞蹈和滑冰训练,没时间休息,比奥运会的时候又瘦了6磅。因为原来就很瘦,所以这6磅对他是个很大的数字。 好在星舞只剩最后两周了,咬咬牙,坚持就是胜利。
期待小雷两周后笑傲舞林。 |