[04-05] 关于选手备战04-05赛季的消息

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 楼主| alexes 发表于 2004-8-27 11:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用最爱关颖珊在2004-8-27 10:52:09的发言:

我猜想应该是小莫选的,因为节目是先编排好了,只后P/W才换了教练,FSU上的人还抱怨,希望Artur Dmitriev能编排他们的节目。
其实我也希望这样,Artur Dmitriev给I/Z编的帕格尼尼主题狂想曲我实在是太喜欢了。
gtxys 发表于 2004-8-30 18:28:00 | 显示全部楼层

花样王子 发表于 2004-8-30 19:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
orange 发表于 2004-8-31 09:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
gtxys 发表于 2004-8-31 18:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
我来了,新节目也都看了! 按顺序先说双人的,出场顺序张/张,庞/佟,申/赵.双人现在和乐还不是很熟,但是基本步法已经了解了,只是会有个别地方不连贯而已!但是综观三对的整体效果,还都不是很理想,都不够流畅,有些动作会憋住!张/张的<培尔金特>引得全场一片笑,真的,开场动作真的很有意思呢,两个人搭着肩膀,步子像太极!庞/佟的开头动作就是佟健抓蝴蝶,右手呈OK状,抖动,把蝴蝶放在庞清手中!申赵今天和乐开始时还不错,但是到了后面就开始出错,错越出越多,而且这次我不得不说,申雪方面也有一些错误!两个人从跳跃,到托举,再到旋转,都有或大或小的问题!真的很不希望看到这样的状况,还有2个月就要大奖赛了,要想拿好成绩,真的要加倍努力了! 再说男单,一个不幸的消息!张民的脚受伤了,刚作了手术,现在拄拐,都不能蹲下,这个赛季能否参赛都是个问题!你们都说李成江要练习4周半,可是我真的没有得到这个消息啊,也没有看到他有练习4周半的迹象!今天他的节目,除了第一个4-3和中间的一个3周半还可以之外,其他的都不是很好!他的节目还是延续以前的风格,音乐像是到了非洲之后又去了爱尔兰,反正我是没听过那个音乐!其余男单(马小东,宋伦,吴家亮)我实在是懒得评论,也没这个必要!高嵩现在不在北京训练,在东北,是不是在训练我就不清楚了! 之后是女单,方丹,许彬姝,刘艳,侯娜,这个上场顺序!方丹因为最近身体不是特别理想,所以今天,所有的跳跃都是2周!许彬姝的节目完成状况不错,但是有个外点摔了,挺可惜的!刘艳的跳跃没有大的失误,但是旋转出现失误,并且如果她去参加世锦赛,就是所有跳跃不失误,恐怕进自由也困难,表演功力太差了,表情僵硬,肢体语言---无,节目编排---幼稚!侯娜没什么评论的必要,失误连连! 今天的表演大约进行了1个小时10分钟左右,全部是自由!大家穿的都是以前的服装,双人的新服装还没有做好!方丹的衣服到是做好了两件,气的我快吐血了,那个做衣服完全不顾设计图纸,自己想怎么弄就怎么弄,太难看了!看见衣服我半晌说不出话!就这样的衣服,居然要价1800!
 楼主| alexes 发表于 2004-8-31 20:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
SP:My Mother Taught Me by A. Dvorak
LP:Capriccio Espagnol by N. Rimski-Korsakov
SP:Flamenco Bolero by M. Ravel
LP:Frida (soundtrack)  by Elliot Goldenthal
花样王子 发表于 2004-9-1 11:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| alexes 发表于 2004-9-2 17:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
Weiss的新赛季将保留原来的SP:soundtrack of "Henry V"
新的LP是 "Stairway to Heaven" and "Bonzo's Mantra" by Led Zeppelin and "Unforgiven" by Metallica
lucy 发表于 2004-9-3 02:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
gtxys, 非常感谢你给我们带来的新赛季中国队的消息! 双人三对选手的自由滑听起来各具特色. 但愿大奖赛的时候他们能
ready. 我从 http://www.bladesonice.com/mag/blaweb1.htm 得知 Sasha 从八月初才开始 full training.

你知道今年庞/佟的短节目是什么吗? I love their Illumination, but I just wish they could try something different. Or
is it because they cannot afford the choreographer?

希望你能带来更多的消息! 谢谢你!

hch1979828 发表于 2004-9-3 20:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| alexes 发表于 2004-9-3 22:30:00 | 显示全部楼层

Annual Tour Of East Coast Training Centers
By Klaus-Reinhold Kany

Simsbury is situated in the scenic Farmington Valley, about half an hour northwest from Hartford/Connecticut. Since Tatiana Tarasova moved there oneand a half years ago, the training center has seen a new boom. Passing the tombstone of Sergei Grinkov, I entered the rink early enough for the morning session of the top level skaters: Among them the Ladies' World Champion Shizuka Arakawa, the European Champions Yulia Sebestyen and Brian Joubert, the Junior World Champion Andrei Griazev, the Japanese skater Daisuke Takahashi (eleventh at Worlds), who is just skating his short program to the famous "Sabre Dance" by Khatchaturian. American Johnny Weir is also in Simsbury, but he had a slight tendonitis and a day off.

But on the ice is the French skater Brian Joubert. It is his last day after six weeks of training during which he mainly worked with Olympic gold medalist Alexei Yagudin and a tour through Japan in June. You can feel in Yagudin's words that he absolutely wants to beat his former coach Alexei Mishin at the next Olympics with the help of Joubert, because he sees in the French skater a personality with a similar fighting spirit.

Joubert also worked with Platov on more difficult steps and with Tarasova on more innovative choreography, but mainly with Yagudin on jumps and skating skills. His new short program is skated to hard music of the group BMG (Blue Men Group) and his long program to the soundtrack of "1492 - Conquest of Paradise." After the afternoon session Joubert planned to fly back to France the next day, but will return one or two weeks before Skate America. French newspapers reported that he is dating Miss France 2004.      

During a pause, Yagudin has time for a short interview. His hair is longer, and he seems happy with himself. "From November and until April I will be with Stars on Ice again. But there are pauses over Christmas and during Worlds. I like the work as a coach. Therefore I am building a house for myself in the
neighboring village of Avon, just 15 minutes from the rink here. I have several apartments, but I have never had anything for myself.

"My hip still sometimes causes problems, especially on the loop, therefore I do not jump very much, although I still can do everything. Two or three jumps every day are enough for the show. In the fall I will compete on the Ice Wars and the World Team Challenge.

"My speciality as a coach is mainly the jumps. I (worked with) Joubert (on) the quad Salchow and we tried the quad flip, and new combinations like quad toe - half loop- triple Salchow. We included the quad toe loop into Johnny Weir's and Andrei Griazev's programs. I also worked a bit with Shizuka Arakawa, but she can do her jumps anyway."

The Zamboni is ready, Yagudin steps back on the ice to the music and plays Carmen,  Griazev's new short program.Later the Junior World Champion said that Peter Gabriel's "The Feeling Begins" and a piece from the Cirque du Soleil were his new long program music.  

The European Champion Yulia Sebestyen from Hungary was in Simsbury for three weeks. Her new short program to a Bond version of "Fire on Ice" was very energetic, her new Carmen long program as well.

World Champion Shizuka Arakawa worked on her new short program to Puccini's "Madame Butterfly". Later she also showed parts of her new long program to Tchaikovsky's "Romeo and Juliet".

Her countryman Daisuke Takahashi sometimes fell on the quad, but always got up and laughed. The German Ladies National Champion Annette Dytrt was in Simsbury for two months and wo
 楼主| alexes 发表于 2004-9-3 22:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
At the beginning of the 90s Russian dance coach was at the peak of her career and had the three top couples Klimova & Ponomarenko, Usova & Zhulin and Grishuk & Platov, who all became World champions. Meanwhile she has no such top couple, but seems to be happy with it. "It is less stress and better for my heart to have no top couple," she said when I met her in Stamford, about one hour north of New York.

"I have reached so much in life, I do not need everything. For example I was so happy when at the ISU meeting with coaches and skaters in Dortmund the Charleston of my couple Klimova & Ponomarenko was played as a model Charleston for the coming season. And Sasha Zhulin has included a lot of elements into Navka and Kostomarov's programs which I had taught him more than 10 years ago. This makes me proud."

Dubova's husband, a former Olympic swimmer, works as a fitness coach in the rink. Dubova has three international couples, gives a few lessons to adults, and created some choreography work for lower-level skaters. Sometimes she also teaches in Cromwell, which is south of Hartford.

Her best couple is the Americans Loren Galler-Rabinowitz and David Mitchell who moved from Boston to Stamford in springtime. But the day of my visit they did not train, because they had to go to the costume designer. She said they are very hard workers and want to go to the Olympics even without the
"help of other dancers" who do not have the American citizenship yet. Dubova said their original dance will be a Charleston and a Foxtrot, and the free program "a classical romantic dance piece in modern version."

She said they have a very good relationship to her other two dance teams from China and Australia who have both been at Worlds. Both teams have many problems with the level two and level three lifts, spins and steps which they include to get more points in the new judging system. Natalia Buck and Trent
Nelson-Bond from Australia left the day afterwards for the Australian championships.

The Skating Club of Boston is one of the oldest clubs in the USA and has an important tradition with many successful international careers as skaters or officials. The rink from the 30s is property of the club. The two top coaches are former Swedish skater Peter Johannson and former U.S. World Team member Mark Mitchell.

Even if they are almost 40 years old, they warm up in the same speed as the skaters and also do some double jumps. Their best skater is [B]Scott S[/B]mith who had been very good at two minor international events last season. He had been with [B]Lori Nichol in July to work on the choreography of the short program (music:
"Freedom") and the long program to the soundtrack of "The Prophet". [/B]His quad Salchow seems solid in training, and he is also working on the quad toe loop.

Another international skater of the two coaches is Louann Donovan who is in good shape again. Junior skaters Jessica Houston and Jason Wong, competed at the Junior Grand Prix in France.

Johannson has an interesting training method: While the skaters run through their program, the coach follows them in the same speed, just without jumps and talks to them all the time. He encourages them when they fall. "We do this everyday," Johannsen said. "During the competition, the skaters remind of what we said in training and can pay special attention for it."  

Stephen Carriere also listens carefully to the coaches' words and little Julianna Cannarozzo was very motivated, too, because she is going to play a leading role in a show which is planned to come to the movies on Christmas.

Meanwhile, the Junior pair, Tonya Azid and Chad Brennan, was working with former world pair skater Sheryl Franks. Her former partner Michael Botticelli had also worked in Boston, but has moved elsewhere.

Tom McGinnis, another coach, spoke about the financial loss he incurred from his investment in "International Figure Skating" magazine, which had been sold to other editors.

Normally th
花样王子 发表于 2004-9-4 11:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
柏山艾莉 发表于 2004-9-4 11:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
在基本框架上音乐基本还是比较宏大的 不过希望不要像TOSCA一样啊
另外SHIZUKA似乎现在也比较喜欢用古典的 不过个人觉得蝴蝶夫人和R&J幻想序曲对她来说表现起来可能有点难度啊
唐卡洛 发表于 2004-9-4 19:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
年中一次偶然听到BOLERO 忽然有预感关会用!!(虽然不是很喜欢)

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