“I'm proud of what I do, and I'm proud of everything I've put out there. Everything I say, skate, wear, whatever. If it's out there for people to see, I'm happy with it. I'm proud of it. I hate falling on TV, and I hate falling in competitions, like anyone does, but I'm not going to do a program to compromise my ideal of what it should be, or what it should look like. So if putting a quad in would mean that I have a 50-50 chance of falling, that's not very good odds; I'm not gonna do it. But if the quad, I've landed every one in practice all week, it's 100 percent perfect or 90 percent of the time it's great, then I'll throw it in.
I don't know if I'm back to the point where I'm putting quad in for the Olympics yet. In addition to being a perfectionist, I'm very much into the feeling, and sort of the mystical thing, and having your aura be all good to do all of this stuff. So it's going to come down to the wire, the last minute, as to what I decide to actually put in the program, which is risky in itself. Because I could be out there trying to decide what I'm doing as I'm skating, and that's a mistake. But as long as I can roll with it, and still maintain an idea of what I would think would be a perfect program, then that's what I'm gonna do.”
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