Tessa is the first to admit that with the introduction of the Short Dance, there are expectations of what that is supposed to be.For their short dance, Tessa and Scott have chosen to use tango rhythms on either side of the waltz music that they are using for the Golden Waltz portion of the program. Tessa says: “”The program has a kind of Great Gatsby era feel”. In describing the Free Dance, she says that they are using Samba/Rhumba/Samba rhythms and the two have been having a lot of fun working with ballroom dancers to perfect the expression.Tessa explains: “The music is pretty modern and not really old school. It’s very fast and starts off with a bang.” Is there was a “goose” lift in this year’s program, Tessa said: “We are using all new lifts” she added with a laugh “we will have to wait and see what names come up.”
小八卦,原来见女王那次的绿裙子不是Tessa的FIRST CHOICE。
She did have one moment of panic finding out last minute that she wouldn’t be able to wear the perfect knee length dress that she had selected. The hunt was on and she was able to find a lovely citrus green dress in the correct floor length.
9月刊的FS MAGAZINE已经出炉,VM上封面啦!然后还有详细的采访。我还没去买杂志,买了一定扫描上来~~~~(有一个朋友已经买了,我发了个消息问她能不能用,如果能用我就能马上贴过来了)
PS: 给点小剧透……因为我已经看过杂志了-___-……不好的剧透………………咳咳,就是DP大叔竟然又莫名其妙的出现在文章里……我没看出他和文章又任何关系-___- |