感谢及时消息。小小地修改一下 Jerry 的翻译。
“What did your choreographer, Tom Dickson, think of the choice?
We actually started work on a different piece I brought to him, but just with the editing and trying to get everything right, it became pretty obvious it wasn't really the right fit for me. I asked Tom what he thought about "Jupiter" from "The Planets." That floored him a bit, but then he and I worked on it and it took off in an entirely different direction.”
看来,Jeremy 本来找了另一个曲子跟 Tom Dickson 商量,试验了剪辑之后发现不合适。后来他问 TD “木星”怎么样,Tom 开头吃了一惊,但是两个人商量了半天,找到一个完全不同的走向(不知道怎么个“完全不同”法,大概是指跟过去的风格完全不同,宏大壮丽而不是内敛)。
“Does that mean we can look forward to a dramatic, straight-line step sequence that gets the crowd clapping?
Well, maybe not quite to that extent, but something not so . . . conceptual.”
提这个问题的人显然有所指 (Evan Lysacek)。Abbott 的意思是,虽然不会设计得那么,嗯,典型,但是也不会象过去的节目那么抽象。后面的话都是委婉地解释为什么奥运年的节目打算做得比较通俗,要面向大众而不是只给铁杆冰迷看。
小孩儿主意挺大,翅膀硬了,看样子不是 TD 说了算。所以说,过去我的直觉是对的,跟 Tom Dickson 理念最接近的还是师兄 Matt Savoie。下季 Tom Dickson 的真实体现得看冰舞了。 |