膝盖道士中 有一段YUNA表现的很帅的地方哦 我觉得很有必要 翻译一下
才发现英文版 已经翻译了 可是感觉没有原话 那么帅……
Now we’re on to the Olympics. The sumo MC asks if she felt the pressure from all the Korean people’s expectations, and Yu-Na answers “Not as much as I expected.” She says that in the ladies’ skating event, the favorites often didn’t win, so she felt that the destined skater was going to win the gold medal no matter what, and she prepared herself to accept things if she ended up not being that skater. She also says that she suffered a leg problem a month before the Olympics. So she couldn’t skate for about two weeks; however, she says that she still had faith in herself, since she had some kind of physical trouble in pretty much every competition she competed in. Fortunately, she recovered very quickly, and it made her think that maybe she was going to do well in the event.
就是这一段 |