CGao adjusted programs from junior to senior; now has 3Lutz and sit spin in short.
5 minutes ago via web
FZhang had good practice, clean runthru short. Coach JeffD reports ribs troubled her for a while Too painful for twist and death spirals.
CZhang looked sharp in practice. Reports she's working hard to improve her speed, doing drills with KKwan. Says stamina has improved.
Felicia Zhang did a partial SP run thru & landed 3Lz-2T, 3T, 2A. She isn't practicing the layback much due to rib injury but I saw 1 at end.
21 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Christina Gao had a good practice. SP jumps in partial run thru: 3F-3T, 3Lz, 2A. I also saw a 3T-3T & 3Lo but may have missed seeing 3S.
Ashley Wagner 1st to do SP run thru in group C: 3F-2T, skipped next jump, 2A. Later she landed at least 2 3F-3T, worked on 3Lz entry edge.
C Zhang is still swerving into/flutzing 3Lz with a bit of a kick but landed a few. Layback spin 'pearl' sighting! & held her Biellmann well
C Zhang's other jumps that I saw in practice included 3Lo-2A seq, 3Lo-2Lo-'tano 2T, 3F-2T-2Lo, 3S (fell twice then landed 3rd attempt)
I like Flatt's edges/flow in her new SP straightline footwork but thought her arms were a bit too busy. Overall this SP is an improvement!
Flatt landed 3F-3T, 3Lz (I think), 2A & held an Ina Bauer during the crescendo of the EoE music, then straightline footwork that flowed well
Rachael Flatt did a run thru of her new East of Eden SP in #NC2011 Sr ladies practice group A & seemed very into the music & performance.
Watching end of #NC2011 Sr Ladies practice group B in main rink & Mirai Nagasu was trying 3A! Jump isn't there yet but it looks possible. |