Weir heads to Moscow in two weeks for his next assignment at Cup of Russia.
Due to a shortage of preparation time, Lambiel used last season's “Four Seasons” program. He plans to unveil his new modern flamenco free skate at the NHK Trophy in Japan later this month.
Weir, who ranked fifth at the 2006 Olympic Winter Games, debuted his free skate in Canada, choreographed by 2002 Olympic ice dancing champion Marina Anissina.
Both Lambiel and Weir said they had little time to recuperate from the demands of the 2006 Olympic season. Show tours kept them on the road for most of the summer.
“I need more training time,” said Weir, 22. “I'm getting old for a figure skater. I haven't had that time of sitting around in a shorty bathrobe on a lounge chair, sipping mai-tais.”
都灵冬奥会第五名Weir在加拿大站第一次使用了他的新自由滑节目。节目由2002年冬奥会冰舞冠军Marina Anissina编排。
Weir was all over the place, which is why he is sometimes referred to as Johnny Weird. Listing all the errors and changes would fill a notebook. The main thing he did right was not fall on his bum.
Weir表现得一塌糊涂,这也是为什么他有时被称为“Johnny Weird(古怪)”的原因。他在节目中的失误可以写满一张纸,不过他却没有摔屁墩。
Weir, who stood in second place after the Short Program, debuted a new program to “Child of Nazareth” by Maxime Rodriguez. His performance featured a triple Lutz, triple toeloop, a triple Axel and a level-four flying sit spin. However, the U.S. Champion touched down with his hand on his first triple Axel and stepped out of a triple Salchow. Weir scored 122.42 points (50.32/72.10) and collected a total of 198.70 points. “I’m also very lucky to have a medal here. I haven’t done so many doubles since I was really low level. I’m happy to have the first competition out of the way, and now I can focus on the Cup of Russia and work hard for that and being as prepared as possible for every competition the rest of this season”, the American told the press.
Weir在短节目后排名第二,自由滑比赛中使用了新节目《拿撒勒的孩子》。比赛中他主要完成了一个勾手三周,一个后外点冰三周 |