原帖由 snowingyang 于 2007-12-1 16:24 发表 
请问DS(法)在06奥运赛季的FD里面,除了一上来一段In Heaven以外,中间有一段好像“键琴”(harpsichord)演奏的明显Baroque风格的曲子是哪里来的?谢谢:)那套节目的着装还有曲子都很巴洛克的,但又加进了现代的元素,好像现代版的宫廷假面舞会一样。还有,那套节目曲子里面旁白的中文意思是什么有可能知道么?
大致的英文:1795,94, the sky's fading away, and Venice thrills itself. Shallows best leaks in the background. The acrobats house caught in the icy wind. Souls producing songs. Venice supplies and Venice echos the …… there. —— What a strange dance! Who is hiding behind scopes and face? —— …… the mysterious activities. —— But let us join into dance. —— On the laguna, the whirling wind that sends the shivers down long capes. —— The last kiss under the bridge of size. —— Now the …… shake, exposing to …… to cocks, to chicks …… reviewing the flights in fock daylight! —— Being to light!
大致是描述1794或1795年的一场化妆舞会的环境和背景,法文解说词的大致意思应该差不多,我不懂法语所以没法确认,英文大部分也是直接听写的,大概错得惨不忍睹…… (捂着脸逃走……) |