The closer to Nationals it was, the mores paralyzed with fear I bacame... And somehow I expected this, but it still hurts like having heart ripped out alive.
Why is that the innocent people suffer the most? "Haterd" won this time. I start to think that "love" wins in fairytales only...
Apparently he could not stand the pressure...
As I said before, I'm devastated, but not very much surprised... There was a lot of hate mail going around, with some scumbags saying that he should never be allowed to compete internationally anymore, and that if he comes to nationals, people should throw stones at him. It was really sad to read at message boards, and the scumbags probably sent this mail to him and to JSF too.
I wish there was a way to contact him somehow... By this time he probably doesn't read the messages from his website (but I'll try anyway)' |