[讨论] 旋转的魔法---Stéphane Lambiel专贴(奥运赛季复出!)

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figuresk8er 发表于 2005-2-20 20:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 草珊瑚 发表于 2005-3-8 13:20:00 | 显示全部楼层



PS: 去年的LP有两套,欧锦赛他是QR滑了Zabuca,LP用Gipsy Dance,世锦赛是反过来。


loooop 发表于 2005-3-8 22:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 草珊瑚 发表于 2005-3-10 20:13:00 | 显示全部楼层



catain 发表于 2005-3-10 21:23:00 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 草珊瑚 发表于 2005-4-3 13:57:00 | 显示全部楼层


http://www.rambler.ru/db/sport/msg.html?mid=5738835&s=10450 谢谢FSU的WindSpirit翻译:

I like to consider myself an artist

- Stephane, let's get back a few days. It's the morning before the free program. You learn that Plushenko has withdrawn from the competition because of an injury. Can you describe your feelings at that moment?

- It's hard, but I'll try. Emptiness. I remained alone. The thing is, I need a strong opponent. Such as Plushenko. He's my idol. If he had stayed, I would've skated much better. It's not that interesting to compete with Brian Joubert. I can't say that my performance was not at all good -- after all I did two quads. But psychologically it was very hard for me.

- During the men's finals the room was practically packed to the roof. You realize that the audience wanted someone else to become the champion.

- Yes, it was another factor that I was worried about. When it was announced that Plushenko had withdrawn, I too, like everyone else, heard the indignant rumble [in the room]. I got this awful feeling that people would boo me. But then I saw someone holding the Russian flag with the inscription, "Viva Lambiel." And I realized that the public might like me. And I think I accomplished that; the audience liked my performance.

- A year ago at the World Championship in Dortmund, you didn't skate worse than the bronze medalist, Stefan Lindemann, or even the silver one, Joubert. Yet you didn't stand on the podium, what many considered a big mistake. Do you think that your victory in Moscow is, in a way, a compensation for the previous injustice?

- Most likely it is. In the world of figure skating everything is interconnected. [But] It's good that I was fourth, and not third. Otherwise I might've been sitting here with a silver medal and not gold.

- If we go with that logic, aren't you afraid that at the Olympics the judges will treat you as someone who has already received his share?

- And what to be afraid of? What will happen, will happen. Before the Olympics I have a load of work to do. For example, [I have to] improve the triple axel, which I didn't manage to do here, in Moscow. [I want to] Spin faster. Still, going to the Olympics as a World Champion will be more enjoyable than as not.

- About the spins. In the world Switzerland is known for its watches, cheese and chocolate, and among figure skating fans - for the phenomenal spinners on the ice. It's sufficient to mention the names of Denise Biellmann, Lucinda Ruh and -- don't take it as flattery -- Stephane Lambiel. How do you do it?

- Can't you guess? We eat the best chocolate in the world, and then, let's spin! But seriously, it's all about practice. At least when it comes to me. I can't say it's a gift from above. I've learned how to do it. Take Irina Slutskaya's Biellman - she's learned very-well how to do it. So there's no secret here.

- Three years ago at the European Championships, you became the main revelation of the event thanks to your spins. But "specialists" claim that without jumps a male skater can't become a champion. You've learned how to jump rather quickly; in about two years. Wouldn't you like to thank someone for that?

- I would, and you know whom (smiles). Indisputably, Alexei Mishin helped me a lot. He made me look at training with new eyes. Without his help, I wouldn't have been able to raise to the top so quickly, but I'd like to note that I put a lot of work into it myself. And my coach, Peter Grutter, helped me as much.

- What exactly did Mishin's help consist of? [Was is] Technique or psychology? Did he make you wear his famous "vest"?

- No, I worked with the Professor without any special accessories like, for instance, Grutter uses. Mishin was giving me "pointwise hits" - he'd tell me right away what I was doing wrong; which components needed to be corrected. He has t

流浪的葵花子 发表于 2005-4-3 19:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
loooop 发表于 2005-4-3 21:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 草珊瑚 发表于 2005-8-29 14:20:00 | 显示全部楼层

呵呵~不开新贴了~这是一篇03年12月的老采访,采访Stéphane的教练Peter Grütter先生。因为懒……我只挑了里面部分内容翻了下,有些东西也有点过时了,因为是03年的嘛~请大家包涵~原文在这里:http://www.stephanelambiel.ch/int&art/interviews/e-grütter201203.html

Q:你是怎么注意到Stéphane的?你们怎样开始合作的? A:我并没有注意到Stéphane。他9岁的时候自己提出想跟我训练。那时我正在带一个很不错土耳其女孩。Stéphane对他妈妈说他想跟这个女孩的教练一起在日内瓦练习。因为Stéphane家住在Saxon,那里并没有好的训练条件,他很小的时候就得到Sion和Villars训练,所以他已经习惯旅行了。Stéphane和他的妈妈向我自我介绍后,我很快就发现他是个非常有天赋的孩子。他是用他的心和灵魂在滑冰。在10岁或11岁的时候,有裁判告诉他有天一定能在世锦赛上看到他的……后来那个土耳其女孩不再跟我训练了,因为她觉得自己不是被放在第一位了。

Q:你们住得相隔很远,那时Stéphane也很小,那这种距离会不会成为一个大问题呢? A:当然,他得一直赶来赶去。我们有次算了一下,他每周得跑1200公里,开始是他妈妈开车送他,后来他长大一些就乘火车,现在,真不幸,他自己开车了。我说“真不幸”是因为开那么久车会让他很疲倦。坐火车时他可以做做作业,休息一下,现在不行了…… 他年纪小倒不是问题。他妈妈那时一直开车送他。她牺牲很大,甚至可以说是拿自己的家庭生活在冒险,因为她知道她必须付出很多,她知道Stéphane的训练必须有规律的进行才能有提高。没有她的付出Stéphane是没法成功的,因为天赋并不是运动员唯一必须的东西。

Q:和Stéphane合作有什么感觉?他作为运动员和作为一个人,有什么优缺点呢?(天,这问题好大啊……) A:Stéphane的缺点就是他不够耐心,但他自己也清楚这一点。在青春期的时候这问题尤为严重。那时候我们常常吵架。他不愿意做某件事的时候,我就由着他,因为我知道他之后一定会补做。如果他是个任性的傻孩子的话,他是不可能做到这些的。所以有时候你得闭上嘴,装作没看见,因为我知道那一定是有原因的。Stéphane非常投入,也很有主见。他并没有强烈的野心,他只想滑好自己的节目,不断进步。他也非常乐于见到别人的进步,这点很重要。Stéphane的另一个优点就是他非常努力。他喜欢这种感觉:去完成整个节目,让自己绷得紧紧的。 Stéphane发现了一些非常重要的事,这也是我从他那里学到的。我是属于那种感到累了就停下来的人,但Stéphane不是。如果你在觉得累的时候没有停下来,你可以找回你失去的力量,就像充电电池。我觉得我游泳的时候,觉得累了但是不停下来而是继续游,疲惫反而会消失。Stéphane在滑冰时也发现了这一点。如果更多的选手能发现这一点的话,我们会有更多优秀的滑冰运动员的。(笑) 作为一个人Stéphane是非常自然流露的。他很真诚,想到什么就说什么。这并不总是很容易,但这是件好事。因为这样他并不像一些他这个年纪的其他孩子那样压抑自己。他很好相处,也很热心,走到哪儿都受欢迎。也许他很幸运是瑞士人。其他人总会说,“啊,那些俄国人”或者“喔,那些美国人”,而他是来自这样一个小国家。有时候这是种优势。

Q:目前让你印象最深刻的是什么事?有什么好玩的事你想告诉Stéphane的Fans? A:我对于洛桑的欧锦赛记忆犹新。比赛前一周,Stéphane的状态一点都不好。我甚至想过让他退出比赛。但我们都记得他在那儿滑得棒极了。我总觉得那天冥冥之中有什么人在帮助他,就像一种魔法。在那不久前,Jack Gerschwiler和另一位Stéphane非常尊敬的教练去世了。Stéphane和他们的关系都很好。我甚至觉得大概是他们在天上保佑着他。而我正这么想的时候Stéphane说出了我的想法。我觉得很不可思议,他说了我想的。其实这种事常常发生,不过这次最让我印象深刻。 还有当然是03年世锦赛的资格赛了。很多人看过那次表演之后都说他会赢的,但这只是事情的一方面。那时次非常激动人心的表演,但我也发现他大概已经用尽了他接下来两天的力量。第二天的短节目证明我不幸言中了。他滑砸了。如果我们还有一天休息的话,他也许可以调整过来的。这也显示了他的另一个缺点,他不知道怎么合理分配自己的力量。但如果我试着阻止他的话,也许会打消他的活力和积极性,我也不想那么做。(现在教练先生要回答的话,肯定会说05世锦赛吧……) 另外有两件事比较有趣。 Stéphane12岁的时候我们开车去海牙参加一次比赛。Stéphane从没去过荷兰,我也从没开车去过。穿过比利时边境后我到处找正确的路。然后Stéphane告诉我应该走哪条路,他是我的"领航员"。我问他怎么会知道的,他说寄给我们的邀请函上有写。那都是些很难认的名字,都没法读出来。不久我们就找到了接待宾馆和冰场。他还是个小男孩时就能把它们全认出来,他知道该走那条路而我却还要停下来问很

ssdts 发表于 2006-2-21 20:53:00 | 显示全部楼层


草珊瑚JJ要学法语啊……T T……为什么上学期选修我选了西班牙语咧……这样这学期就要同时兼顾西语和日语,米时间学法语了……TTATT


Jun 发表于 2006-2-21 21:19:00 | 显示全部楼层

什么叫"两种方向的跳"? 如果能做为什么不让?

但是好象没人真能做同样难度的逆时针和顺时针的三周跳. 似乎没有意义因为难度分是一样的.

greenleaf7 发表于 2006-2-21 22:58:00 | 显示全部楼层




graceyu5230 发表于 2006-2-22 19:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
离恨恰如春草 发表于 2006-2-22 19:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 草珊瑚 发表于 2006-2-22 20:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用graceyu5230在2006-2-22 19:40:12的发言:

他妈妈?貌似他妈妈 的照片没有太多曝光过那……这位指的是不是比赛时在他旁边的那位气质优雅的女士?那是他的编舞,Salome Brunner阿姨~~


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