[翻译] Question & Answer – Weir与威粉互动

ice_skating 发表于 2006-12-9 11:28:00 | 显示全部楼层



You know you did your best and you are putting on a fireworks display with that last sequence。

斑竹不滑冰吧,哈哈,不怪你。Crossovers不是“十字”,中文术语叫做“压步”,在冰上的动作和走路差不多,但是其中有两腿交叉的动作。这是花滑最基本的动作,压步可以获得速度。压步分成前压步和后压步,还可以继续分成左前,右前,左后,右后。记得weir有一篇早期手记说他去参加一个全国比赛,好紧张好紧张,甚至压步都打滑了,不过那次还是得了好分数。straight line step sequence也有个中文术语叫“直线接续步”。花滑要求节目里有两个接续步(step sequence),可以是直线,圆形和蛇形,女单还有燕式接续步。youtube上有一套花样滑冰动作元素介绍的剪辑片,叫做weirology。是用Weir的动作来介绍花样滑冰元素的,我非常喜欢,尤其这套片子的结尾。

还有前面有个问题里有人问“你是不是在想‘1-2-3 triple toe’”,你看是不是可以翻译成“一,二,三,外点三”

 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2006-12-9 12:05:00 | 显示全部楼层





这句话你在过去肯定听过好多遍了…但…你是同性恋吗?你为什么要反对布什总统?我觉得他很棒…他并不是在杀人!这是战争!当然会死人了…咄(duh)!很显然,your morales are half an inch off the floor.(译者注:duh表示对愚蠢的人/事表示不屑)

your morales are half an inch off the floor 是什么意思啊?骂人的话吗?


In another question list you mentioned having a past lives reading. I believe you have mentioned that one of them was a holocaust victim. If it not too personal, were there any other lives your reader suggested? Were any of them Russian?

Apparently I had three lives before I was in the camp and one of them was Russian.


ice_skating 发表于 2006-12-10 07:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Yvonne在2006-12-9 12:05:36的发言:


这句话你在过去肯定听过好多遍了…但…你是同性恋吗?你为什么要反对布什总统?我觉得他很棒…他并不是在杀人!这是战争!当然会死人了…咄(duh)!很显然,your morales are half an inch off the floor.(译者注:duh表示对愚蠢的人/事表示不屑)

your morales are half an inch off the floor 是什么意思啊?骂人的话吗?


In another question list you mentioned having a past lives reading. I believe you have mentioned that one of them was a holocaust victim. If it not too personal, were there any other lives your reader suggested? Were any of them Russian?

Apparently I had three lives before I was in the camp and one of them was Russian.


from Jessica
Q: Okay, I'm sure you have heard this many times before...but....are you gay? And what do you have against President Bush? Personally, I think he is awesome...he is not killing people! We are at war! People will die...duh! Obviously, your morales are half an inch off the floor.

A: I love the use of "duh" in this question. Okay, so I include a lot of nasty questions in my Q&A's but it's generally because I do these answers on boring Sundays and I laugh for five minutes after I read them. This is one of my favorites, being attacked by a "duh."



From Carolyn in San Jose
Q: ...In another question list you mentioned having a past lives reading. I believe you have mentioned that one of them was a holocaust victim. If it not too personal, were there any other lives your reader suggested? Were any of them Russian?

A: Apparently I had three lives before I was in the camp and one of them was Russian. ...



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