[讨论] 09-10系列专场演出Weir讨论专贴

2928 发表于 2009-5-18 10:36:02 | 显示全部楼层
我现在只能抱着回忆过活了  [em66]
 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-5-23 21:35:01 | 显示全部楼层
2009年Festa on Ice相关报道http://web.icenetwork.com/news/a ... 64725&vkey=ice_news

"In America, skating has already been played out," said Johnny, thoughtfully. "We've had ladies Olympic champions, and we've had some interesting men, but, in Korea, this is the first time they've had a star at Yu-Na Kim's level. They really treasure her because she's their first, and they don't know if they'll ever have somebody like that again."



Johnny told us he loves visiting South Korea and skating there. "I consider it almost a second home," he said, "[It's] on a par with how I feel about Russia."



His Korean fan group, who call themselves the Hyenas, have given him a Korean nickname: Wee John-he. A fan told us the name means "Your existence itself is a joy to us."

棒国冰迷称他们自己为“Hyenas”,把Johnny称作为“Wee John-he”,据说该名字意为“你的存在对我们来说就是快乐”。(我吐~~)

We already talked a bit about the meeting 250 of the Hyenas held for him on April 19.

"It was crazy," Johnny told us. "They were so excited to be there, although I didn't feel like I did very much. They gave me tons of gifts. They wanted me to sing because it's something all 'celebrities' do there. It was funny because, well, you know how bad I am at singing. But I did it anyway."


One fan who attended the meeting e-mailed us and wrote, "Hyenas hoped to show our love and care to Johnny, and it would cheer him up to make the Olympic season the most satisfactory to himself. Johnny enjoyed the programs, and we were happy to see Johnny happy. If we made Johnny miss Korea and wish to visit again, it's more than we prayed for. So far it seems that we succeeded."

Racheal Park, who translated for Johnny during the show, explained the meaning of 'Hyenas.'

"Johnny began to be famous after performing his seductive gala, 'Feeling Good,' during '08 Festa On Ice in Korea," she and YunJu Jung wrote to us. "Thousands of people became Johnny's fans. Everybody laid claim to Johnny, saying 'Johnny is mine! Johnny is mine.' We thought this was just like hyenas growling to each other for food, so we began to call ourselves 'Hyenas.'"

Racheal and YunJu told us the Hyenas showered Johnny with gifts during his visit last December, and they sent him several elaborate presents to cheer him up in February, including a DVD of fans singing songs, a Korean language lesson and a tour of all the places he visited in Korea; a book of 150 postcards; a photo album; and a gold, four-leaf clover.

We don't have space to include all the wonderful things the fans wrote to us about Johnny, but we'll let Racheal and YunJu speak for all of them.

"I think his biggest attraction is that he has his own unique way of skating," she wrote. "His attractiveness isn't just about skating. ... He really has a great personality. ... He is always candid and true to his heart and what he feels. We thank him when he expresses his emotions frankly.

"He loves Korea very much. He shows great interest in learning Korean. We can never forget his first press interview in Korea when he said that he is sorry for being unable to answer in Korean. There are tons of reasons to love him, but to add just one more, as you can see, he has such a nice, gorgeous face and body."

 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-6-26 21:36:43 | 显示全部楼层
2009 Ice Jewelry

6/27(周六) 11:00/16:30
6/28(周日) 11:00/16:30

Ishikawa Sports Center (Kanazawa, Ishikawa)


Shizuka Arakawa
Miki Ando
Fumie Suguri
Yukina Ota
Surya Bonaly
Nobunari Oda
Takeshi Honda
Stephane Lambiel
Victor Petrenko
Johnny Weir
Rena Inoue&John Baldwin
Federica Faiella & Massimo Scali




参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
audrey0106 + 5 + 1 他要是能多照幾張這樣的照片多好~


 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-7-20 22:49:09 | 显示全部楼层
7月18日Sun Valley Show图片

 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-7-21 21:17:23 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-7-21 21:26:01 | 显示全部楼层

服装是Otonal的,节目难道是Hymne a L'Amour?

Pork Face




演出相关视频(有他把自己塞进Porker Face服装的镜头):http://d.namipan.com/d/7835f21217b4d7ac24710e50a137caca18fe94ec72f3f500


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
时差 + 5 + 1 又見Otonal...T T....


 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-7-23 23:24:52 | 显示全部楼层
新表演节目的视频:http://d.namipan.com/d/df24197e9 ... 9f32637598aec7a0801




ice_skating 发表于 2009-8-5 12:36:42 | 显示全部楼层

Ice Jewelry (ice show) in Japan


http://d.namipan.com/d/3b5649677 ... 8aac028b3020080bb0c





Please be aware that you are NOT allowed to upload these videos to YouTube or similar sites. I could imagine the YouTube clip posted above might get deleted sooner or later, too, because it's the same video as the one below.
 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-8-5 22:12:07 | 显示全部楼层
MILD7 发表于 2009-8-6 20:15:16 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-8-7 21:40:07 | 显示全部楼层
美国时间8月1日 Lake Placid Summer Show (普拉西德湖夏季演出),Weir表演了Edith Piaf's的Hymne a l'amour和Lady Gaga的Poker Face。

icenet上关于Weir的文章http://web.icenetwork.com/news/a ... 76290&vkey=ice_news

"It was all very cool," --Weir形容去年Elton John的AIDS基金奥斯卡爬地。

"That was very special because now I have Poker Face [for a program]."--谈及数周前在纽约见到Lady GaGa的经历。

"there have been a lot of cool things that have happened."/"It is very strange to see myself on television when I'm not actually skating." --谈及自己的记录片“Pop Star on Ice”和真人兽“ Be Good, Johnny Weir”。

Weir说,“Pop Star on Ice”至今无恶评,希望真人兽也能如此。前者将于12月24日在Sundance频道播出,后者将于2010全美前夕播出。

"There are many fun and crazy moments like these."--Weir的粉丝遍布全世界,收到的礼物车载斗量。南达科塔的冰迷把Weir的签名文在脚踝上了;棒子国的冰迷在机场外面等他几天几夜;俄罗斯有Weir的专用警察护卫队(俄罗斯款婆组织的吧?)~~

"He's really, really, really cute," said Weir. "If you YouTube [Cheburashka] you'll see that he's the little brown guy with giant ears. I collect his toys and my fans bring me dishes and coffee mugs and t-shirts and lots and lots and lots of things."--Weir收集了N多Cheburashka相关的玩具、碟子、杯子、汗衫等等。

Weir added that one fan even sent him a head band bearing the huge fuzzy ears of the character.--还有大耳猴的头箍。

"I design all my costumes, and then a lady in New York makes them for me because I can't sew."--谈到时尚,Weir说他所有的衣服都是自己设计的,纽约的一位女士为他制作服装,因为他自己不会缝纫。他最喜欢的品牌是巴黎世家(Balenciaga)。

"I wear a different smell every day!"--他每天都换用不同的香水~~

When asked about future careers, Weir responded that he sees himself as many things in the future. He aspires to be a fashion designer, an actor, and even a diplomat for the United States to Russia, South Korea, and Japan! --未来的打算:设计师,外交官(外派俄罗斯、棒子国、日本)

"There are lots of things I want to do before I die," mused Weir. "It's just a matter of figuring out what things I want to do in what order."--Weir说,他死之前还有很多事想做,只是先做后做的次序问题。

"He's fantastic and he's crazier than me, which makes it really fun."--Weir对Wilson的评价:一个比自己还要疯狂的人。

He says they collaborate well in working toward their goal. They are especially adept at stepping out of the box, because they are both artistic and full of cutting-edge ideas. --Wier说,他和Wilson都是标新立异的行家,因为他们都很艺术,都有最前沿的idea。

"I'm really excited about my new programs." --对新节目异常兴奋的Weir。

Finally, I asked "What three things do you look for in a coach" to which Weir replied "it depends on how old you are." As a younger student, Weir needed someone who was very nurturing, had good technique, and could teach him about the sport. As he got older, he required someone "who [he] was afraid of, someone who would push [him] to work even when [he] didn't want to, and also someone who has very good technique," hence his switch to Galina Zmievskaya.--Weir对于教练的要求:小时候的他需要能教他技术的“教育家”;长大后的他需要的是能令他惧怕的“驯兽师”。

"It's kind of the exact opposite, but with some of the same basics."“看似矛盾,实则有共同点。”


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
外貌协会白金VIP + 5 + 1 我认得这衣服!08年DOI的!


Cathy_Y 发表于 2009-8-11 00:00:42 | 显示全部楼层

2009 Ice Jewelry Opening (MRO-1280x720).mp4   170.79 M

2009 Ice Jewelry GroupNumber - 50's Medley (MRO-1280x720).mp4   127.01 M

2009 Ice Jewelry Finale (MRO-1280x720).mp4   41.77 M


参与人数 2体力 +10 人气 +2 贡献 +5 收起 理由
Yvonne + 5 + 1 + 5 感谢发布视频
外貌协会白金VIP + 5 + 1 感谢发布视频…^)^


 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-9-21 23:06:47 | 显示全部楼层
美国时间2009年9月17日,芝加哥 ——“Skate for the Heart”冰上演出



Porker Face


audrey0106 发表于 2009-9-23 08:08:24 | 显示全部楼层
大少滑Jordin Sparks现场唱的曲子
(无法看的版友请用代理吧…我不知道怎么弄成代理的网址…抱歉 )
 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2009-9-24 20:41:12 | 显示全部楼层

Porker Face
http://d.namipan.com/d/a29bf2e43 ... 65311632504e107f000

http://d.namipan.com/d/122394102 ... 29df452c4f45d531f01

另外贴点Kristina Ziegler拍的照片


风骚无比的Porker Face

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