[讨论] 2010年温哥华冬季奥运会赛前Weir讨论专贴

tasamryma 发表于 2010-2-16 16:23:50 | 显示全部楼层
和多人跑过来说“原来这就是你喜欢的家伙啊 确实不错啊”这样的话。。
jyougi 发表于 2010-2-16 16:42:15 | 显示全部楼层
好吧,我想说的是小威你很有文学青年的气质,就是可惜有点话痨= =
2928 发表于 2010-2-16 17:28:32 | 显示全部楼层
土豆上这帮人因为Lady Gaga才发现Weir是天才......而我因为Weir才知道Lady Gaga。
Yvonne 发表于 2010-2-16 00:06

 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2010-2-16 17:49:20 | 显示全部楼层

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — Three-time U.S. champion Johnny Weir is considering bringing back a quadruple jump in his free skate for the Vancouver Olympics.

Weir rarely has used the four-revolution jump, although he did a quad toe loop in the 2008 season, when he won a bronze medal at the world championships. That was the last time Weir was a factor in a major international competition.

He said after last month's U.S. championships that he wouldn't be doing one in Vancouver. But his coach, Galina Zmievskaya, has urged Weir to begin practicing the quad, and he says he is proud of "the clean one" he did during Monday's run-through. That quad had a funky landing, though, and when he tried three more, he popped one into a double and the others had only three revolutions.—— 原来是教练老太让他上四。据说周一练习中曾有一跳成功,但其他均失败。

Still, it could be in his repertoire for Thursday's free skate; the men begin Tuesday with the short program.

"What do I have to lose?" asked Weir, who won his third consecutive American title in 2006, then finished fifth at the Turin Games after being second in the short program. "I'm not a favorite for a medal here. If I feel like doing it, I will do it."—— Weir觉得自己目前没什么可输的了,反正也不被看好,因此要是感觉还行就上四周。

Weir's strength always has been his presentation, which can range from lyrical to avant garde to outrageous. No American skater has matched persona with performance the way Weir does.

The jumps? Well, they are there because they have to be. They've never defined Weir, and they never will.

So his toying with the quad is newsworthy, and he recognizes that.

"I want to skate the way I can skate and not worry about missing a step or a jump or doing something stupid like a double loop," Weir said. "I want to go into autopilot out there and do everything I have been trained to do.—— 仍然觉得double toe是“很愚蠢”的东西(同感),只想尽量发挥。

"This was my first practice after I had a day off (Sunday), and so Galina said, 'Let's jump a little bit.' I did every triple jump at the end (like) what we always do at home. Then Galina said, 'OK, try the quad,' and boom, I did a clean quad." ——周日之后首次训练,结束时完成了每周三周跳,最后Galina要求做一个四周,而且还成功了。

Most of the top competitors in Vancouver will do quads in their free skates, although fellow American Evan Lysacek, the current world champion, has eliminated it because it causes too much stress on his left foot. U.S. champ Jeremy Abbott will attempt a quad, as will defending Olympic gold medalist Evgeni Plushenko and Turin silver medalist Stephane Lambiel. The quad long has been a staple of 2007 world champion Brian Joubert's programs.

That's fine by Weir, who is more likely to devote extensive brainpower to the sleeves of his costume than to thinking about the quad.

"I want to win over people's hearts and minds," he said. "I want people to be transported away when I am skating." —— 只想正常发挥,赢得观众。


General Weir
        Johnny Weir hasn't tried any quads in competition this year, but he's thinking about putting one in his free skate in Vancouver.

"The day before yesterday, I did a long program run-through at Trout Lake [practice rink], and Galina said, 'let's just try it and see how your legs are,' and boom a clean quad," he said.

"I took yesterday off, so my legs were too heavy get around one this morning, but I'm going to try it again tonight. What do I have to lose? I'm not one of the favorites for a medal."

We've known Johnny for years, but we never knew he was such a World War II buff. He's passing time here not by watching himself on Sundance's Be Good, Johnny Weir, but with a documentary on Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.

"It's all about the behind-the-scenes deals; it's so interesting. They're all fighting against Hitler, and I think that's kind of applicable to the situation here. Everyone is at war." ——Weir在奥运村中,看二战资料消磨时间:关于丘吉尔、罗斯福、斯大林的逸事。他认为这都是“幕后交易”,大家都在和希特勒斗志斗勇,该种局面也可以用在FS上。

So which one of the three does Weir most identify with?
         As we crossed our fingers that he wouldn't say Stalin, he answered, "Oh, I'm Lady Gaga." ——那Weir认为自己和谁最像呢?斯大林?不,他是Lady  Gaga。

liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-16 19:46:49 | 显示全部楼层
糖羽毛笔 发表于 2010-2-16 20:44:33 | 显示全部楼层

2928 发表于 2010-2-16 17:28

 楼主| Yvonne 发表于 2010-2-16 21:16:01 | 显示全部楼层

What makeup item should every self-respecting man own?
Blot powder or concealer. I don’t consider looking like a shiny mess manly. Men need to understand the importance of their skin and beauty regime; there’s nothing not-masculine about taking care of yourself. The face you present to the world is the most important one.

How do you keep your on-the-ice look natural but still ensure it has a lot of impact?
I highlight what I think is good about my face. I make sure to brush my eyelashes so my eyes are wide and alive. I make sure not to wear any muddy foundations that will cover up my natural skin tone, and I highlight my bone structure with bronzing powder. Highlighting the goodness in what your mama gave you is what beauty is all about.
纳尼亚花蜜 发表于 2010-2-16 21:48:56 | 显示全部楼层
johnnyangel 发表于 2010-2-17 03:17:21 | 显示全部楼层
Kevser 发表于 2010-2-17 04:53:05 | 显示全部楼层
我那天在开心上看到以gaga为噱头传weir的ex programme,我还特惊讶,心想sex bomb完了之后,轮到weir ...
emilieliu 发表于 2010-2-16 10:32

我自己也是一直最喜欢otonal和swan的清纯柔美,不过这次的poker face妩媚到不行(其实他这个赛季的SP和LP都是相当风骚挑逗的啊),嗯,我还是可以接受这样的风格转变的,因为本来就很喜欢他的骚包:P
Kevser 发表于 2010-2-17 04:55:32 | 显示全部楼层
audrey0106 发表于 2010-2-17 05:14:53 | 显示全部楼层
回复 129# johnnyangel



還有關於Poker Face這套節目,原本只是大少為了出席去年一場時尚週的Party而準備的,大少本來是打算滑Michael Buble的Feeling Good,但主辦單位希望他能滑新一點的曲子,經過協調,後來才改成了Lady GAGA的曲子(大概是因為那時曲子剛出,正紅吧~),結果因為反應很好,所以順理成章的變成了他的表演節目了,我想他大概也沒有想到會這樣吧。
emilieliu 发表于 2010-2-17 08:41:34 | 显示全部楼层

俺想看看weir骚起来有多骚,我的结论是:别说和emmanuel sandu那个消魂到不行的gala(04-05赛季)节目相比,和sex bomb比,骚的程度也小很多啊!!!

当年我和zhai在首体的看台上,看到sandu排演那个节目(我忘了名字了,就是justin timberlake的一首歌),我们俩都看呆了。他跳完了之后,我们两都惊的好久没说话,虽然在视频上看过这个节目,我们那年GPF就是为了等着看那个gala,果然是喷血啊。

lunar0423 发表于 2010-2-17 08:55:22 | 显示全部楼层

liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-17 15:22:07 | 显示全部楼层
回复 133# emilieliu

    风骚也是有各种各样的啦,WEIR的这种,给人感觉是禁欲和克制里发出的丝丝性感。我觉得他去的最尽的感觉的是在09年Festa on Ice那一次,他下腰在地上滑行的时候的腰扭动,真的就像一条妖娆的发光的蛇匍匐在冰面上,在以后几次比赛的表演中,这个动作都没了。不过那个真的很致命,估计他觉得在正式比赛里要收敛些。
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