ISU 打分细则表 http://www.isuresults.com/results/owg2010/owg10_Pairs_FS_Scores.pdf
Start Time: Feb. 15, 5:00 PM PST . Venue: Pacific Coliseum
RankStart No.CountryNameShort ProgramFree SkatingTotalExpand All
1000 20ChinaSHEN Xue / ZHAO Hongbo 176.66 2139.91 216.57 Expand

Total ScoreExecuted ElementsFactored Program ComponentsDeductions
139.9167.5172.400.00Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Toeloop | Triple Toeloop | 4.00 | 1.80 | 5.80 | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | 5.60 | 0.40 | 6.00 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | 0.30 | 3.80 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.00 | 1.00 | 5.00 | Forward Outside Death Spiral | Forward Outside Death Spiral 4 | 4.50 | 1.40 | 5.90 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 1 | 5.50 | -1.40 | 4.10 | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.50 | 1.40 | 6.90 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | 1.64 | 7.14 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.95 | 1.12 | 6.07 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 1.40 | 4.80 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 3 | 4.00 | 0.70 | 4.70 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.70 | 7.30 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 57.05 | | 67.51 |
Music:Adagio in G Minor by T. Albinoni Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 9.10 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 8.85 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 9.25 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 9.10 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 8.95 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 72.40 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 0.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | 0.00 |
2001 19ChinaPANG Qing / TONG Jian 471.50 1141.81 213.31 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 141.81 | 70.53 | 71.28 | 0.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | 5.60 | 1.60 | 7.20 | Triple Toeloop | Triple Toeloop | 4.00 | 1.00 | 5.00 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 6.50 | 1.60 | 8.10 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 1.80 | 5.20 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 3 | 3.00 | 0.50 | 3.50 | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.50 | 1.52 | 7.02 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.80 | 5.30 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.95 | 1.52 | 6.47 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | 1.52 | 7.02 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 1 | 3.00 | 0.42 | 3.42 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.60 | 7.20 | Group 4 Lift | Group 4 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.70 | 5.10 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 56.95 | | 70.53 |
Music:Impossible Dream by J. Hisaishi Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 8.90 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 8.70 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 9.05 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 9.00 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 8.90 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 71.28 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 0.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | 0.00 |
3002 18GermanySAVCHENKO Aliona / SZOLKOWY Robin 275.96 3134.64 210.60 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 134.64 | 65.08 | 70.56 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Toeloop + Triple Toeloop + SEQ | Triple Toeloop + Double Toeloop + SEQ | 4.24 | -0.60 | 3.64 | Throw Triple Flip | Throw Triple Flip | 5.50 | 1.40 | 6.90 | Double Axel | Double Axel | 3.50 | -2.32 | 1.18 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | 0.30 | 3.80 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 1.00 | 5.50 | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.50 | 0.70 | 6.20 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 7.15 | 1.40 | 8.55 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 1.10 | 7.70 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 3 | 4.00 | 0.84 | 4.84 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 1.80 | 5.20 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.70 | 5.10 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.95 | 1.52 | 6.47 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 57.24 | | 65.08 |
Music:Out of Africa by J. Barry Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 8.85 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 8.60 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 8.95 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 8.85 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 8.85 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 70.56 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
4003 17Russian FederationKAVAGUTI Yuko / SMIRNOV Alexander 374.16 7120.61 194.77 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 120.61 | 57.13 | 64.48 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Throw Quad. Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.50 | -0.84 | 3.66 | Triple Toeloop | Triple Toeloop | 4.00 | 1.00 | 5.00 | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.00 | 0.98 | 5.98 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | 0.60 | 4.10 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 2.00 | 5.40 | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | Double Axel + SEQ | 3.08 | -1.60 | 1.48 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | -1.88 | 3.62 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.70 | 5.10 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 7.15 | 1.20 | 8.35 | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.70 | 7.30 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 1 | 3.00 | 0.50 | 3.50 | Forward Inside Death Spiral | Forward Inside Death Spiral 1 | 2.80 | 0.84 | 3.64 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 52.93 | | 57.13 |
Music:Valse Sentimentale, On the Blue Danube Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 8.10 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 7.85 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 8.25 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 8.05 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 8.05 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 64.48 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
5004 14ChinaZHANG Dan / ZHANG Hao 571.28 4123.06 194.34 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 123.06 | 65.42 | 58.64 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Double Axel + Triple Toeloop | Double Axel + Triple Toeloop | 7.50 | -3.00 | 4.50 | Triple Salchow | Triple Salchow | 4.50 | 1.00 | 5.50 | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.00 | 1.40 | 6.40 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 4 | 6.00 | 0.60 | 6.60 | Backward Inside Death Spiral | Backward Inside Death Spiral 3 | 3.20 | 0.56 | 3.76 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | 0.60 | 4.10 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | 1.40 | 6.90 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.95 | 1.76 | 6.71 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 0.80 | 4.20 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 7.15 | 1.40 | 8.55 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 2 | 3.30 | 0.10 | 3.40 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.30 | 4.80 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 58.50 | | 65.42 |
Music:Sheherazade by N. Rimski Korsakov Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 7.40 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 7.15 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 7.25 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 7.35 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 7.50 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 58.64 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
6005 16CanadaDUBE Jessica / DAVISON Bryce 665.36 6121.75 187.11 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 121.75 | 60.99 | 61.76 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.00 | 0.56 | 5.56 | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | 5.60 | 1.00 | 6.60 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 6.50 | 1.80 | 8.30 | Triple Salchow | Triple Salchow | 4.50 | -3.00 | 1.50 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 3 | 3.00 | -0.42 | 2.58 | Backward Inside Death Spiral | Backward Inside Death Spiral 3 | 3.20 | 0.70 | 3.90 | Throw Triple Lutz | Throw Triple Lutz | 6.05 | -1.40 | 4.65 | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.60 | 7.20 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 1.00 | 4.40 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | 0.00 | 5.50 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.90 | 5.30 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 1.00 | 5.50 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 58.25 | | 60.99 |
Music:The Way We Were by M. Hamlisch Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 7.85 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 7.60 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 7.75 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 7.70 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 7.70 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 61.76 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
7006 15Russian FederationMUKHORTOVA Maria / TRANKOV Maxim 863.44 5122.35 185.79 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 122.35 | 61.27 | 62.08 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.00 | 1.26 | 6.26 | Triple Salchow | Triple Salchow | 4.50 | -3.00 | 1.50 | Triple Toeloop + Double Toeloop | Triple Toeloop + Double Toeloop | 5.30 | -1.60 | 3.70 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 6.50 | 2.00 | 8.50 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.00 | 1.40 | 6.40 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 1.40 | 4.80 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.95 | 0.56 | 5.51 | Forward Inside Death Spiral | Forward Inside Death Spiral 3 | 3.20 | 0.70 | 3.90 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 3 | 3.00 | 0.50 | 3.50 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.50 | 5.00 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.70 | 7.30 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.50 | 4.90 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 56.35 | | 61.27 |
Music:Love Story by F. Lai Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 7.85 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 7.55 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 7.80 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 7.80 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 7.80 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 62.08 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
8007 11UkraineVOLOSOZHAR Tatiana / MOROZOV Stanislav 962.14 8119.64 181.78 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 119.64 | 64.64 | 56.00 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Toeloop + Triple Toeloop + SEQ | Triple Toeloop + Triple Toeloop + SEQ | 6.40 | -2.00 | 4.40 | Triple Salchow | Triple Salchow | 4.50 | -1.00 | 3.50 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.00 | 1.40 | 6.40 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.00 | 0.70 | 4.70 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.50 | 5.00 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 0.40 | 3.80 | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.50 | 1.24 | 6.74 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.95 | 1.40 | 6.35 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 7.15 | 1.40 | 8.55 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | 0.20 | 3.70 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.70 | 7.30 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 2 | 3.50 | 0.70 | 4.20 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 59.00 | | 64.64 |
Music:Pearl Harbour by H. Zimmer Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 7.05 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 6.75 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 7.00 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 7.05 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 7.15 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 56.00 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
9008 13CanadaLANGLOIS Anabelle / HAY Cody 764.20 9115.77 179.97 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 115.77 | 60.45 | 56.32 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Double Flip Twist Lift 3 | 4.00 | 0.80 | 4.80 | Triple Salchow | Triple Salchow | 4.50 | -3.00 | 1.50 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 6.50 | 1.40 | 7.90 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.50 | 1.26 | 5.76 | Triple Toeloop + Double Toeloop | Triple Toeloop + Double Toeloop | 5.30 | 0.00 | 5.30 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | -0.06 | 3.44 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.50 | 5.00 | Group 5 Reverse Lasso Lift | Group 5 Reverse Lasso Lift 3 | 6.60 | 1.40 | 8.00 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 0.80 | 4.20 | Throw Triple Lutz | Throw Triple Lutz | 6.05 | -1.40 | 4.65 | Group 4 Lift | Group 4 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.80 | 5.20 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 3 | 4.00 | 0.70 | 4.70 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 57.25 | | 60.45 |
Music:Grand Canyon Suite Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 7.10 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 6.80 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 7.15 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 7.05 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 7.10 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 56.32 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
10009 9United StatesEVORA Amanda / LADWIG Mark 1057.86 10114.06 171.92 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 114.06 | 62.06 | 52.00 | 0.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.00 | 0.70 | 5.70 | Triple Toeloop + Double Toeloop | Double Toeloop + Double Toeloop + SEQ | 2.08 | -0.60 | 1.48 | Throw Triple Lutz | Throw Triple Lutz | 5.50 | 0.42 | 5.92 | Change Foot Combination Spin | Change Foot Combination Spin 3 | 3.00 | 0.20 | 3.20 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 1.00 | 4.40 | Double Axel | Double Axel | 3.50 | -1.12 | 2.38 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.60 | 5.00 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | 1.12 | 6.62 | Group 5 Reverse Lasso Lift | Group 5 Reverse Lasso Lift 4 | 7.15 | 2.00 | 9.15 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 4 | 4.50 | 0.56 | 5.06 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.30 | 4.80 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 7.15 | 1.20 | 8.35 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 55.68 | | 62.06 |
Music:Piano Concerto No. 2 by S. Rachmaninov Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 6.45 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 6.45 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 6.50 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 6.65 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 6.45 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 52.00 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 0.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | 0.00 |
11010 10Russian FederationBAZAROVA Vera / LARIONOV Yuri 1256.54 11106.96 163.50 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 106.96 | 57.72 | 50.24 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Toeloop | Triple Toeloop | 4.00 | -1.40 | 2.60 | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.00 | 0.98 | 5.98 | Throw Triple Flip | Throw Triple Flip | 5.50 | -0.28 | 5.22 | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | 5.60 | -0.64 | 4.96 | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 4 | 6.00 | 0.80 | 6.80 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | 0.20 | 3.70 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.50 | 7.10 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | -2.00 | 3.50 | Backward Inside Death Spiral | Backward Inside Death Spiral 3 | 3.20 | 0.56 | 3.76 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.60 | 5.00 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 0.80 | 4.20 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.40 | 4.90 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 57.20 | | 57.72 |
Music:Seven Years in Tibet by J. Williams Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 6.40 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 6.10 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 6.30 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 6.20 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 6.40 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 50.24 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
12011 12ItalyDELLA MONICA Nicole / KOCON Yannick 1156.82 13104.78 161.60 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 104.78 | 54.34 | 51.44 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Salchow | Triple Salchow (downgraded) | 1.30 | -1.00 | 0.30 | Group 4 Lift | Group 4 Lift 4 | 4.00 | 0.40 | 4.40 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.50 | 0.28 | 4.78 | Fly. Combination Spin | Fly. Combination Spin 4 | 3.00 | 0.80 | 3.80 | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | 5.60 | 1.00 | 6.60 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 1.40 | 4.80 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 2 | 6.05 | -0.28 | 5.77 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | 0.28 | 5.78 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 2 | 3.50 | 0.42 | 3.92 | Double Lutz Twist Lift | Double Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 3.30 | -0.06 | 3.24 | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 3 | 6.05 | 0.00 | 6.05 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.40 | 4.90 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 50.70 | | 54.34 |
Music:The Mission by E. Morricone Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 6.55 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 6.30 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 6.30 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 6.35 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 6.65 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 51.44 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
13012 8United StatesDENNEY Caydee / BARRETT Jeremy 1453.26 12105.07 158.33 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 105.07 | 56.27 | 48.80 | 0.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.00 | 0.70 | 5.70 | Triple Toeloop | Triple Toeloop (downgraded) | 1.30 | 0.10 | 1.40 | Throw Triple Lutz | Throw Triple Lutz | 5.50 | 0.84 | 6.34 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Single Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | 3.44 | -1.78 | 1.66 | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | Forward Inside Death Spiral 2 | 3.00 | 0.70 | 3.70 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 3 | 3.00 | 0.04 | 3.04 | Group 3 Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 7.15 | 0.40 | 7.55 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 0.80 | 4.20 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | 0.98 | 6.48 | Forward Inside Death Spiral | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.10 | 4.50 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.10 | 6.70 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.50 | 5.00 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 52.79 | | 56.27 |
Music:Sheherazade by N. Rimski Korsakov Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 6.15 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 5.85 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 6.05 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 6.25 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 6.20 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 48.80 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 0.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | 0.00 |
14013 6FranceJAMES Vanessa / BONHEUR Yannick 1551.16 1493.94 145.10 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 93.94 | 48.34 | 45.60 | 0.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Triple Salchow | Double Salchow | 1.30 | -0.48 | 0.82 | Triple Lutz Twist Lift | Triple Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 5.00 | -0.84 | 4.16 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 3 | 6.00 | 0.40 | 6.40 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.50 | 0.98 | 5.48 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | 0.10 | 3.60 | Forward Inside Death Spiral | Forward Inside Death Spiral 3 | 3.20 | 0.56 | 3.76 | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | Double Axel + Single Axel + SEQ | 3.78 | -1.60 | 2.18 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 3 | 3.10 | 0.40 | 3.50 | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 3 | 6.05 | 0.40 | 6.45 | Throw Triple Flip | Throw Triple Flip | 6.05 | 0.84 | 6.89 | Pair Combination Spin | Non valid Elm. | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Group 4 Lift | Group 4 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.70 | 5.10 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 46.88 | | 48.34 |
Music:Romeo and Juliet Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 5.75 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 5.45 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 5.65 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 5.75 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 5.90 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 45.60 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 0.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | 0.00 |
15014 7SwitzerlandMORAND Anais / DORSAZ Antoine 1355.34 1789.08 144.42 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 89.08 | 48.44 | 42.64 | -2.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 3 | 6.00 | 0.80 | 6.80 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.00 | 0.84 | 5.84 | Double Lutz Twist Lift | Double Lutz Twist Lift 2 | 3.50 | 0.00 | 3.50 | Double Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | Single Axel + Double Axel + SEQ | 3.44 | -2.50 | 0.94 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 0.80 | 4.20 | Throw Triple Lutz | Throw Triple Lutz | 6.05 | -2.00 | 4.05 | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 2 | 5.50 | 0.00 | 5.50 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.00 | 4.40 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 2 | 3.50 | 0.70 | 4.20 | Double Flip | Double Flip | 1.87 | 0.00 | 1.87 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 3 | 3.00 | -0.36 | 2.64 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.00 | 4.50 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 50.16 | | 48.44 |
Music:Once Upon a Time in America Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 5.45 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 5.25 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 5.40 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 5.15 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 5.40 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 42.64 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 2.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -2.00 |
16015 5Great BritainKEMP Stacey / KING David 1648.28 1691.66 139.94 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 91.66 | 49.90 | 41.76 | 0.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Double Lutz Twist Lift | Double Lutz Twist Lift 2 | 3.50 | 0.00 | 3.50 | Double Flip | Double Flip | 1.70 | -0.30 | 1.40 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 6.50 | 0.60 | 7.10 | Throw Triple Toeloop | Throw Triple Toeloop | 4.50 | 0.56 | 5.06 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.20 | 4.70 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | -0.18 | 3.32 | Double Flip + Double Toeloop + SEQ | Double Flip + Double Toeloop + SEQ | 2.64 | -0.68 | 1.96 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 0.20 | 3.60 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.10 | 4.50 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.50 | -1.40 | 4.10 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.00 | 6.60 | Forward Inside Death Spiral | Forward Inside Death Spiral 4 | 3.50 | 0.56 | 4.06 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 50.24 | | 49.90 |
Music:Fantasie for Piano and Orchestra Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 5.30 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 5.10 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 5.15 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 5.30 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 5.25 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 41.76 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 0.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | 0.00 |
17016 1GermanyHAUSCH Maylin / WENDE Daniel 1745.46 1593.28 138.74 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 93.28 | 51.08 | 43.20 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Double Lutz Twist Lift | Double Lutz Twist Lift 4 | 4.50 | 0.20 | 4.70 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.50 | 0.70 | 5.20 | Triple Toeloop + Double Toeloop | Triple Toeloop | 4.00 | -3.00 | 1.00 | Throw Triple Lutz | Throw Triple Flip | 5.50 | 0.14 | 5.64 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 6.50 | 1.00 | 7.50 | Triple Salchow | Double Salchow + SEQ | 1.04 | -0.18 | 0.86 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.00 | 0.50 | 4.50 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 0.80 | 4.20 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 3 | 3.00 | -0.18 | 2.82 | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 4 | 6.60 | 0.50 | 7.10 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 1 | 3.00 | 0.56 | 3.56 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 3 | 4.00 | 0.00 | 4.00 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 50.04 | | 51.08 |
Music:Alexander by Vangelis Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 5.35 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 5.20 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 5.35 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 5.60 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 5.50 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 43.20 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
18017 4PolandSULEJ Joanna / CHRUSCINSKI Mateusz 2039.30 1886.52 125.82 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 86.52 | 49.44 | 38.08 | -1.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Double Axel + Double Toeloop | Double Axel + Double Toeloop | 4.80 | 0.20 | 5.00 | Group 5 Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4 | 6.50 | 0.40 | 6.90 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.50 | -1.40 | 3.10 | Double Flip Twist Lift | Double Flip Twist Lift 3 | 4.00 | -0.24 | 3.76 | Throw Double Lutz | Throw Double Lutz | 3.00 | 0.00 | 3.00 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 3 | 3.10 | 0.40 | 3.50 | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 3 | 6.05 | -0.10 | 5.95 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 2 | 3.50 | 0.14 | 3.64 | Change Foot Combination Spin | Change Foot Combination Spin 3 | 3.00 | 0.50 | 3.50 | Double Lutz | Double Lutz | 2.09 | 0.00 | 2.09 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 4 | 4.40 | 0.10 | 4.50 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 4 | 4.50 | 0.00 | 4.50 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 49.44 | | 49.44 |
Music:Romeo and Juliet Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 4.90 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 4.40 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 4.85 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 4.75 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 4.90 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 38.08 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 1.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | -1.00 |
19018 3EstoniaSERGEJEVA Maria / GLEBOV Ilja 1842.18 1982.72 124.90 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 82.72 | 43.92 | 38.80 | 0.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Double Lutz Twist Lift | Double Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 3.00 | 0.30 | 3.30 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 | Double Axel + Double Toeloop | Double Axel + Single Toeloop | 3.90 | -1.96 | 1.94 | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 4 | 6.00 | 0.30 | 6.30 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 1 | 3.00 | -0.28 | 2.72 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 1 | 3.00 | -0.06 | 2.94 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 2 | 2.30 | 0.40 | 2.70 | Double Lutz | Double Lutz | 2.09 | 0.00 | 2.09 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 | 3.50 | -0.36 | 3.14 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 3 | 6.05 | 0.00 | 6.05 | Throw Triple Salchow | Throw Triple Salchow | 4.95 | -1.26 | 3.69 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 3 | 3.85 | 0.20 | 4.05 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 46.64 | | 43.92 |
Music:West Side Story by L. Bernstein Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 4.95 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 4.65 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 4.70 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 4.90 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 5.05 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 38.80 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 0.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | 0.00 |
20019 2UkraineKOSTENKO Ekaterina / TALAN Roman 1939.54 2081.44 120.98 Expand

Total Score | Executed Elements | Factored Program Components | Deductions | 81.44 | 45.52 | 35.92 | 0.00 |
Planned Elements | Executed Elements | Base Value | GOE | Score | Double Axel | Double Axel | 3.50 | 0.00 | 3.50 | Double Lutz Twist Lift | Double Lutz Twist Lift 1 | 3.00 | 0.00 | 3.00 | Throw Triple Loop | Throw Triple Loop | 5.00 | -1.26 | 3.74 | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift | Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 3 | 5.50 | 0.10 | 5.60 | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin | Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 2 | 2.50 | -0.18 | 2.32 | Spiral Sequence | Spiral Sequence 4 | 3.40 | 0.60 | 4.00 | Throw Triple Lutz | Throw Triple Lutz | 6.05 | -1.40 | 4.65 | Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift | Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 3 | 6.60 | -0.14 | 6.46 | Double Axel + Double Loop + SEQ | Double Salchow + Double Loop + SEQ | 2.46 | 0.00 | 2.46 | Group 3 Lift | Group 3 Lift 3 | 3.85 | 0.00 | 3.85 | Backward Outside Death Spiral | Backward Outside Death Spiral 1 | 3.00 | -1.26 | 1.74 | Pair Combination Spin | Pair Combination Spin 3 | 4.00 | 0.20 | 4.20 | | | | | | | Totals Executed Elements | 48.86 | | 45.52 |
Music:Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven Program Components | Unfactored Score | Factor | Choreography/Composition | 4.50 | 1.60 | Transitions/Linking Footwork | 4.20 | 1.60 | Interpretation | 4.45 | 1.60 | Performance/Execution | 4.65 | 1.60 | Skating Skills | 4.65 | 1.60 | Factored Program Components | 35.92 |
Deductions | Value | Time Violation | 0.00 | Music Violation | 0.00 | Illegal Element | 0.00 | Costume & Prop Violation | 0.00 | Fall | 0.00 | Interruption in Excess | 0.00 | Total Deductions | 0.00 |