偶滴娘啊,我把那位美女认成了yuna,把yuna认成了关jj 面壁思过去。。
这个是全场截下来的含煽情介绍片的沉思,应该和小白阿姨的那个不一样,那偶就贴鸟 居然木有clean。55555555555555555555
"I went to see an ice show at Olympics Park with my family on Saturday.
After seeing the ice show, I promised myself that I would skate hard to become a national skater."
- From Yuna's 1st Grade Elementary School Diary
Yuna: "Having a dream is a wonderful thing.
But to achieve that dream, no ones know how many trials and tribulations would be required.
For one successful fly, thousand, ten thousand jumps were needed, and tumblings on the cold, shivering ice were countless;
But every such time, what made me rise back up was my passion for the dream.
To me, figure skating is a piece of drama expressed through communion with music.
And this stage today, is another stage of my dream that will be created with communion with you.
Even if people call me the world's best, an end always leads to another beginning, and so I dream anew of a new tomorrow.
And because I am with you, I am a happy skater."