World Champion Evgeni Plushenko: I Found the One to Enjoy the Life with

揑f I don抰 like the question, I won抰 answer it. Deal???said Evgeni Plushenko during the midnight call to the St. Petersburg. After that, we talked for half an hour. The World Champion is getting read to defend his title in Germany. And to settle down in his family home.
Q: Zhenya, why did you have to go to the Europeans with you knees hurting and become second?
A: I got injured last summer in Japan. I told the Federation抯 coach right away as well as I told myself ?I will skate the whole season. For me, breaks are very hurtful. Skip a week ?recover for half a month.
Q: What about doctor抯 warnings?
A: In Russia, the doctors took the X-rays and said that it would be good to rest for 3-4 months. An American expert as well as his colleagues from Germany said the same thing. But I had a goal ?to skate with all the strength. In any case, I will be going to the Worlds?
Q: Did you got injured in Japan because you skated until you were worn out, you skated twice a day to make more money?
A: The Japanese offered me a contract and it didn抰 make sense to decline it. It was the beginning of the season. It was good that I skated twice a day; it was so intensive. I hurt my knee because my blade stuck in the trace and there was no place for the leg to go. I got injured because of the bad ice.
Q: Great coach Tatiana Tarasova said at Euro 2004 that after Yagudin left, there are no sparring partner of the same level to Plushenko. The interest and courage is gone?
A: That could not happen! It is sport. You make a little mistake, and you will be eaten. Once, I didn抰 go to Europeans because of the injury, and Yagudin and Abt went. Abt skated better than Alexei who made a mistake. But it was Yagudin who had to win Europeans then. His flaw was overlooked. At that moment, we were one head above the rest, and now the guys are catching up. Anyway, I hope to break away from everyone next season.
Q: Joubert defeated you at the Europeans?br />
A: He is a good skater. We抣l see if he can hold on. In Budapest, I relaxed after the first combination and lost. I will try and we will see who is stronger.
Q: There are 10 days left till International Woman day. Did you find the gifts for you close ones yet?
A: I recently bought a home for the whole family near St. Petersburg ?that抯 the best gift. It was a dream that came true. It抯 a beautiful place, there is a forest, I come there for a whole day, go down the hill in the sled, and I charge up with energy, I feel getting stronger.
Q: For the two and a half years, you have been with Uliana, a beautiful blonde. Did you find your perfect woman?
A: I found a person who is complete match. We live together. We enjoy the life. She is who I really need. I don抰 want to give a definition of 搈y perfect woman?
Q: It is said that fans of athletes as aggressive and eager as pop-stars fans.
A: With years, my fans changed. They became more dedicated. Many don抰 believe that I answer the letter. Often, I visit my site with my girlfriend or my mom. We read the mail, I write answers.
Q: But you don抰 go for the 搇ive?contact?br />
A: I have many fans in Japan, Germany, and America. About three years ago, a group of 20 Japanese girls came to me in St. Petersburg. We went to the theater, walked the Palace Square, took pictures, and went to restaurant. Recently, more than 20 girls from all over Russia came to have a dinner with me in a restaurant. It抯 is simpler and better to get together with such group.
Q: So what about the calls with passionate admitting of love and spending nights near your building?
A: Very often, girls call and say something like 搇et抯 get together, let抯 meet? It抯 unrealistic to say, 搊k, ok?to everyone. Sometimes they sit by the building and wait for me, but they are no fanat |