Q: During the Olympics, a lot was written about your unpleasant relationship with the rival Chinese pair. Did it really feel like that?
A: Yes, and it was mutual. The cold passion helped us, we just held down our emotion. Unfortunately, they took it all on ice and it wasn’t pretty all the time. I knew if we don’t give in when we are provoked, we’ll win.
Q: If the rivals fall on the ice, like it happened to the Chinese, the big victory is looked down at a little.
A: I was asked then what do I think about it and how I feel. At the moment, I didn’t feel anything, not even happiness from the win because I gave 20 years to skating. I had the goal and I did everything I could. I had nothing left except emptiness. I saw that she fell and that it’s bad, it hurts, and it could end up sadly, but I didn’t have a pity or anger. Moreover, I went through a serious injury myself a year before the Olympics and I knew that if she was strong, she’ll get up and go, and that’s what happened.
Q: Will you be back to the “high level” skating”?
A: Maxim and I haven’t decided yet whether we should return to the elite sport. In any case, even if it’ll be pro skating in the show, we gave ourselves an “expiration date” – five years.
Q: Are you upset that the Chinese team fell? Your victory not only would be clean then, it would be sterile!
A: I immediately set myself for skating both program calmly while give it all, and that was it. As soon as you start competing and try to win too much, it leads to the opposite result. That’s what happened to the Chinese – they wanted to win at any cost, and it wasn’t always pretty. Tania and I couldn’t do even one element at the warm-up. As soon as we would go into a lift or a jump, two Chinese teams would go towards us and interfere. I also saw that the Chinese started competing amongst themselves as they also had a very strong internal rivalry. It also played to our benefit – they just got burned out.
Q: Tania said that you haven’t decided to retire from the competition yet. If you leave, who will win the gold back from the Chinese?
A: Overall, you are right. I don’t see those who would be right after us clearly. |