光在这骂娘又什么用? 中国人就喜欢搞窝里斗,开我的批判会,搞了几十页,有这劲,都应该到 FSU 去捍卫中国运动员!
当初就我在那里孤军奋战,捍卫申/赵,批判 TT/MM,也没见‘花样年华’有几个来声援的?
对待那帮 FSU 精神变态的 freaks, 绝对不能拿出一副中国人小绵羊的姿态。他们最近有在狂炒庞清的体重问题,我如果不是因为要保持低姿态,早就对他们不客气。这班家伙就是欠揍,就知道抱怨教练,抱怨社会对肥胖人士的不公,没有一点自尊。
看了他们的帖子,真是又好气,又好笑。最精彩的是一个 135 LB 练冰舞,居然说舞伴举不起,不是她的错,而是舞伴应该更加勤奋得 hit the gym.
I get lifted just fine in dance lifts at 135lbs. (I'd like to be thinner, but as my other post said, that's not a healthy thought for me. Most of it's muscle nowdays anyway.) Dancers don't jump. If the guy can't lift her and she's not genuinely OVERweight, that doesnt' mean she should diet, it means he should hit the gym.
贝美人也被他们作为列为厌食症的嫌疑犯。 |