给楼上喜欢BA的朋友一个好消息,他们更换了自由舞的曲目,新节目取材于Amelie(one of my all time favorite movies,Tanith as Amelie, how great that would be!!!),将在下周揭幕的全美锦标赛上首次亮相。实在太令人兴奋和激动了!现在我对他们在世锦赛上的前途无限看好,哈哈哈!
Belbin and Agosto Create a New Free Dance to "Amelie"
Three-time U.S. champions Tanith Belbin & Ben Agosto announced Wednesday that they have scrapped their free dance to “That's Entertainment” and will debut a new free dance at the 2007 State Farm U.S. Championships to the soundtrack from “Amelie.” The team made the announcement during a pre-championships media teleconference.
三届美国冰舞冠军Tanith Belbin and Ben Agosto周三宣布他们将舍弃本赛季前段所用的自由舞‘That's entertainment',取而带之的新FD音乐来自'Amelie'(天使爱美丽)原声大碟。这套新节目将在下周开赛的全美锦标赛上首度和大家见面。
“We had trouble with our free dance to the music of ‘That's Entertainment,'” Belbin said Wednesday. “We really felt in the beginning that it was a great concept and that we really could do something new and different with it. For the first time ever in our careers it didn't work out the way that we thought it would, or hoped it would. Often times we find a key to our programs and direction that we want to take it, and this time we just couldn't find the key to making this program work. Ben and I decided that if we didn't feel emotionally invested in this program or proud of it that we needed to step it up and do something better.”
Tanith在接受采访时坦承That's Entertainment是他们职业生涯中首次自己选择的主题,并一度认为这个节目将为他们的表演带来一些崭新和与众不同的东西。但最终的成品并未达到他们最初的期望值,他们很难去做到全情投入,也很难为自己的表现感到骄傲。于是他们决定从零开始。
They started from scratch to create the new “Amelie” program. The music, composed by Yann Tiersen, is from the 2001 French movie of the same name about a young woman who finds ingenious ways to help other people.
他们这次选择了法国作曲家Yann Tiersen为2001年曾扬威欧洲影坛的法国电影天使爱美丽所创作的音乐。该片讲述了一个年轻女子以她天才的创造力为他人带来幸福和欢乐的故事。
“It's much more lyrical,” Belbin said. “It's an entirely different style from what Ben and I typically skate to. It's much more dramatic and emotional. We've created all new lifts and elements and footwork, and we haven't repeated a single element from any of our past programs … Hopefully it will be better received than the last one on the international scene.”
After the debut in Spokane, Belbin said they plan to get the new program in front of international judges at the 2007 Four Continents Championships, Feb. 7-10, in Colorado Springs, Colo.
在全美亮相后,他们还将参加二月7-10日在科罗拉多Colorado Springs举行的四大洲公开赛,希望借此机会得到国际评委的反馈和认同。