COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – The U.S. Olympic Committee today announced alpine skier Julia Mancuso as its January Athlete of the Month. The USOC Team of the Month was awarded to the USA 1 Four-Man Bobsled Team of Steven Holcomb, Pavle Jovanovic, Steve Mesler, and Brock Kreitzburg.
Second place for the men went to figure skater Evan Lysacek (Los Angeles, Calif.). Lysacek won his first U.S. title at the 2007 State Farm U.S. Figure Skating Championships. He cleanly landed his first quad toe-triple toe combination jump, which received all positive marks from the judges. He beat the second-place finisher by more than 30 points. His total score of 248.88 set the all-time U.S. record. Lysacek skated a flawless free skate with eight triple jumps, in addition to the quad triple, and it was considered one of the best free skates in the history of the U.S. Championships. He also qualified for the World Championships for the third year in a row.
美国奥委会日前宣布:在意大利举行的世界杯滑雪赛上勇夺冠军的USA 1美国四人男子长撬滑雪队和奥运障碍滑雪金牌得主Julia Mancuso分获一月美国最佳男女运动员称号。
Evan Lysacek因其在全美花样滑冰锦标赛上的优异表现,荣获了一月最佳男运动员票选亚军。他以248.88的总成绩摘取了自己的第一个全美冠军头衔,并且创造了该项比赛历史上个人得分最高纪录,而他完美无缺的自由滑更被公认为是美锦赛历史上最杰出的节目之一。 两个月前,他还曾经荣膺过十一月全美最佳男运动员的称号。
另外新科女单冠军Kimmie Meissner获得了最佳女选手票选的第三名。她在短节目中获得了65.59的高分,这一成绩是全美女单的短节目新纪录。 。