没错,像是Yagudin的Winter, ABT的Artsakh,都是狂经典的短节目. 另外,Alexes姐姐,在Steph的论坛上看到说他目前恢复的挺好,关于他新LP的一点报道,是最近一次训练的情况: He did 12 out of his 14 planned elements, including the quad (which seemed so easy!), a 3F-3T combo, the 2 step sequences, 3 spins - and more triples, ...... So apparently, apart from a better condition in order to have some energy left for the last minute of the program, all he's missing is the 3A!
In the end, there should be a 4T/3T and 3Lz/3T in the program |