[讨论] Meryl Davis & Charlie White

 楼主| franzlfan 发表于 2007-11-29 21:09:33 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Annie 于 2007-11-29 20:47 发表

呵呵,没有想过啊……  偶很欠考虑的,一般都是忽然想到用什么音乐就……
Annie 发表于 2007-11-29 21:15:41 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| franzlfan 发表于 2007-11-29 23:15:20 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Annie 于 2007-11-29 21:15 发表



D&W -Eleanor's Dream - I saw this dance at Skate America. In an interview after last year's Worlds, D&W said they wanted to work more on connecting with each other & the audience more. I wasn't surprised to see them with a less upbeat number than last year's. I have to say, this dance hit me like a ton of bricks. It is a heavy, brilliant presentation on depression. In fact, it's too heavy; it left me in tears--Shpilband should either get rid of all the vocals or else do something with the last 20 seconds to lighten up a bit. Not teh perk, but a sort of like "This is for all the lonely people ...don't give up." I can't see depressed judges handing out marks. And at least 2 of the lifts should be replaced with less pedestrian lifts. And they need more practice time.

 楼主| franzlfan 发表于 2007-12-2 14:12:15 | 显示全部楼层


A glance into the past:从前,Meryl和Charlie都练过很长时间的单人滑,而参加比赛的时候也往往同时参加单人和冰舞的比赛,此外Charlie还经常参加冰球比赛,并且和Scott Moir在还不认识的情况下打过冰球~~

回到花滑,两人的单人滑成绩总的来说Charlie要更好一些,因为在Senior之前的每个级别(Juvenile,Intermediate,Novice,Junior~)他都有qualify到全美锦标赛(全美一般来说指的是由Novice,Junior和Senior组成的US Nationals,而每年都另有一个由Juvenile和Intermediate组成的US Junior Nationals,也就相当于“少儿组全美”~~);Charlie获得过全美的Intermediate组冠军(2002),Novice组季军(2004),而05~06赛季他虽然在地区选拔赛Midwestern Sectionals获得Junior组冠军,却在全美Junior组发挥失常,此后退出了单人滑生涯。Meryl也参加过Midwestern Sectionals的Novice组和Junior组比赛,但是都没有入选全美。

早前,Charlie作为单人选手在Novice组比赛时也曾经被人看好,特别是,被称赞有超出其他选手的speed和ice coverage,而步法也比很多Senior选手还要复杂和完成出色(废话,冰舞选手嘛……),而他在单人项目的role model则是Todd大哥啦~~

以下是2004 US Nationals的照片~~很有意思的对比哦~~




参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
pooool + 5 + 1 辛苦辛苦


 楼主| franzlfan 发表于 2007-12-2 17:51:06 | 显示全部楼层
突然发现上面贴的那张04全美Novice领奖台上,Charlie旁边那个第四名就是Stephen Carriere,今天刚在这站NHK拿铜牌的那位是也~现在MS是很有前途的一位男单了~呵呵,不禁想如果Charlie继续练男单会如何呢?说起来那次Charlie短节目结束以后排第一,但是自由滑摔了几个大马趴……那次拿冠军的小孩是个华裔,而且名字非常有个性,叫Princeton……我把USfigureskating网站上04全美的报道,讲Charlie的部分截下了:短节目领先:Charlie White (Detroit SC) has an unusual combination. He will also compete in junior dance this week with Meryl Davis, but he's also avery competitive novice men's competitor. He leads the short programportion of the novice men's competition after a good performance. He had eight first-place ordinals with his routine to "13th Warrior."  A tall, confident 16-year old, he was pleased about skating in front of the enthusiastic Atlanta crowd at the Gwinnett Center. Even wearing glasses on the ice doesn't faze him, although others see it differently."A lot of the dance judges have been hounding me to get contacts," White said. "But I try not to squint too much. I just try to present out there like I see perfectly." While some skaters might have concerns about only having one practice session per day in Atlanta, he doesn't mind with double duty."I have an advantage," he said — he gets twice as much ice time with singles and dance. 倒霉的自由滑:Charlie White (Detroit SC), who led after the short program, had arough time. He barely held his jumps and fell three times. However, his ice dancing background was evident as he had tremendous flow and speed.He held on to third although he was just sixth in free skating. "There was a lot of pressure being in first, and I think I let it getto me too much," White said. "I think that is what happened." He said he felt uncomfortable as the last skater in the second group of six. "But I can't use that as a excuse," he said. "You have to do what you have to do. It didn't happen today." However, unlike others, he has a chance to rebound at the championships. He begins junior dance with partner Meryl Davis onTuesday. He is ready to make the switch. "I have been doing it for so long it is just natural. It is just as easy as changing skates,"he said.
hu2891601 发表于 2007-12-2 19:13:57 | 显示全部楼层
Charlie 比赛的时候不带眼镜的吧??
 楼主| franzlfan 发表于 2007-12-3 04:11:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hu2891601 于 2007-12-2 19:13 发表
Charlie 比赛的时候不带眼镜的吧??


They(Davis&White) were wonderful! I am really excited to see how far they can go.I've seen him skate singles at several competitions over the years and remember when he was a little skinny kid that wore glasses on the ice.Now he's grown up and looks so handsome ... and they are just a thrilling team. I agree ... look out Tanith and Ben!



Charlie White (1st):   Very fast.  3f, 3lz/3lo, 2a/3t,flying camel with a change to a forward spin and then a butterfly intoa back sit, 3lo, back camel/sit spin, circular steps with spirals, 3lz,shoot-the-duck into a 3t, big fast circular steps, straight-line stepswith twizzles, 3s, spin combination into a fast back scratch spin.  Not bad for an ice dancer!  ;-)   

还有一些04 US National的照片~~






呵呵然后他们05~06赛季的OD,Rumba部分也是选的《Besame Mucho》呢,缘份那缘分~不过肯定没有C/J滑的有味道,毕竟那时候太青涩了~
hu2891601 发表于 2007-12-3 17:49:55 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| franzlfan 发表于 2007-12-3 17:55:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hu2891601 于 2007-12-3 17:49 发表

hu2891601 发表于 2007-12-3 18:00:34 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 franzlfan 于 2007-12-3 17:55 发表


哈哈,谢谢的! 不翻译没关系啦,能看懂的。 不过真是几乎从来没看到过什么他们可爱的采访哈哈。

他们的Guestbook message board好了!!哈哈。
tobyid 发表于 2007-12-3 18:14:11 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| franzlfan 发表于 2007-12-3 18:56:37 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hu2891601 于 2007-12-3 18:00 发表
他们的Guestbook message board好了!!哈哈。

Great news~!! 飞去灌水,呵呵!

原帖由 tobyid 于 2007-12-3 18:14 发表


嗯是啊,他三周跳跃种类还是很全的,可惜好像没有上3A吧,也许这就是他后来不练单人了的原因?但其实对Junior来说有个稳定的3lutz-3loop也不错了啊;而且他好像spin也很好,现在虽然只练冰舞了,camel和sit spin还是做的那么漂亮啊,呵呵~~对了那个不是难度表哦,是看现场的冰迷做的记录^_^

花与爱丽丝 发表于 2007-12-3 21:37:46 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
franzlfan + 5 + 1 谢谢,承你吉言哦^_^


pooool 发表于 2007-12-3 22:19:10 | 显示全部楼层
扶风 发表于 2007-12-3 22:37:55 | 显示全部楼层
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