[讨论] 乌克兰双人滑女将Volosozhar的新搭档讨论

andycao 发表于 2010-4-10 11:36:35 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
pooool + 1 感谢即时消息


jasmok 发表于 2010-4-10 12:24:15 | 显示全部楼层
回复 186# andycao
这教练和女学生之间肯定不单纯了吧   要不干嘛拒绝回答
问题的关键是  男学生是不是被戴了绿帽子?
andycao 发表于 2010-4-10 13:36:03 | 显示全部楼层
Vasiliev当年和TT之间的恋情还蛮高调的,现在年纪大了倒想要低调了,不过连俄冰协主席都这么说,他和M之间的事应该是确定了。T肯定和M没有在一起过啦,他们合作都不愉快,更别说是进一步关系了,他们以前分分合合就好几次,这赛季的LP爱情故事是M的dream song, 可T 不想滑这个曲子,最后在Vasiliev的要求下还不得不妥协,Vasiliev在执教过程中绝对是偏向M的,难怪T要自找门路了。奇怪的是当初Vasiliev在当MT教练的时候,那么敏感的三角关系能处理下来,这次却把学生给逼走了,也许是马列宁比较老实吧。
jasmok 发表于 2010-4-10 14:23:28 | 显示全部楼层
回复 188# andycao


zhangjiajia0130 发表于 2010-4-10 15:15:23 | 显示全部楼层

话说这个新闻 ...
pooool 发表于 2010-4-7 18:52



参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
pooool + 1 唉,这个没野心的男人


多啦A梦 发表于 2010-4-10 15:49:38 | 显示全部楼层
回复  andycao


jasmok 发表于 2010-4-10 14:23

沉静 发表于 2010-4-10 16:18:09 | 显示全部楼层
pooool 发表于 2010-4-10 17:53:06 | 显示全部楼层
berezhko 发表于 2010-4-10 20:18:47 | 显示全部楼层

viviabond 发表于 2010-4-10 23:55:02 | 显示全部楼层
魔雪孩子 发表于 2010-4-12 09:40:06 | 显示全部楼层
你似乎曲解我的意思了,我说的纯种是指纯俄系的选手,看看俄罗斯的冰迷也并不怎么感冒盆姐,就知道其 ...
viviabond 发表于 2010-4-10 10:59

andycao 发表于 2010-4-21 08:45:26 | 显示全部楼层

Sports.ru decide to find out the truth behind the Muhortova/Trankov's split after the Olympics and spoke to Trankov, who avoided the journalists for 2 months.
He had much to tell: of a betrayal, chats during the banquets, the `bad' trainings and the new pairing with Tatiana Volosozhar who suits him much better.

Q: The main question is: why did your partnership come to an end? You had some potential. Your coach Oleg Vasiliev mentioned you decided upon the split during the Russian nationals and spoke to the federation president Piseev about skating with someone else next season.
Trankov: no, not quite. After the Russian nationals there was a banquet. We were sitting on separate table - me with all the guys, Maria and Oleg with the judges and the coaches. Then Vasiliev left to speak with Piseev. After a while he came back, approached my table and said `go out, Piseev is expecting you, he wants to talk'. I walked out and Piseev told me Vasiliev was complaining on my poor training and not being ready for Russian nationals. I replied it was truth and explained why

Question: why
Trankov: it is about the personal relationship in our team. There were situation when I was not treated humanly. Just to give an example: the federation was having a training in Sochi and Piseev demanded my partner and I join. Maria wrote a letter that her grandmother is ill in Lipetsk and she has to visit the grandmother. She was allowed not to go to Sochi. It was at the spring. My father had a heart attach at the winter. I couldnt come and see him. I came to the training and trained alone, then I went straight to Chicago and was left without a vacation at all.
But it's not what it is about. 2 weeks before the Russian nationals I was giving our passports to get a visa to Estonia. It turned out, that during the trainings in Socho Masha and Oleg Vasilievich went to a vacation in Dominican! I was so mad about it and didn't train well. I told all that to Piseev when he asked me what it was all about. I was trying to talk to the coach, to understand why did they do it and his reply was `That's what Maria wanted'. My point of view, my interests were not counted. I want to stress that I'm fine with Maria as a partner and Oleg Kimovich as a coach, it's the way they treated me that I coudlnt' stand. I didn't want to train anymore under such conditions so I came to a final conclusion - to split after the Olympics.
There were enough of such awkward moments. At the Autumn, at the beginning of the season when the federation was deciding on the plans. I was pictured in front of everyone as some sort of alcoholist, I was talked badly about in front of everyone. Without any reason! Everyone who was present can witness that. I had a nervous breakdown after that. I never expected such a betrayal from the team.
Now everyone says - Max betrayed, left the partner. Let's recall the situation after the worlds in Gothenborg: I had a broken neck. It wasn't obvious whether I'll be able to skate at all and Maria tried out with a French skater. And then I came back to the ice and we continued as if nothing happened. You see, I had to endure such things all the time. That stuff accomulated and I couldnt' take it anymore.

Question: why do you think the coach treated you that way?
Trankov: we started wrongly at the very first. You know how it is when two people are unsuitable. Perhaps many times it was my fault, but there are always compromises, you can't let the situation slide to a personal level and insults. Can you imagine, Oleg Kimovich would call my father a loser! He would say I would become a loser like my father. For how long was I supposed to take it?

Question: there are rumours you decided everything with Volosozhar beforehand?
Trankov: lies. There were no talks till recently. We started skating together because we both finished skating. We met after the worlds. We haven't decided yet even whether we'll remain competitive. Perhaps we'll do shows together. You see, even if there was no Volosozhar I would split with Maria. Probably it's god's will that I continue and sent Tanya.
Question: have you skated together yet?
Trankov: No. We just spoke about it. She will be participating shows till the end of April with Stas Morozov. Till the beginning of the summer, I think, we'll start skating together, will try some elements and then we'll see.

Question: which country will you represent
Trankov: Only Russia

Question: Did Piseev take any part in your talks?
Trankov: No. I know that at the end of the season Tanya and Stas approached the federation and asked them whether they would mind if she represents Russia.He said they wouldn't. That;'s all his part.

Question: will there be any problems with the Ukranian federation?
Trankov: I don't know, but guess if the guys (I mean Volosozhar and Morozov) are serious about it they know what they are doing.

Question: who will be coaching you? Morozov?
Trankov: I think Morozov will be one of the coaches. We haven't discussed the other details yet.

Question: is Volosozhar a better partner than Muhortova?
Trankov: I think that as far as the temperament and the character goes Tanya suits me better. She is much easier to talk to, then, for example, Maria. When people are friends it's easier to work together. Professionally, I think Maria is better in some things, Tanya in other. It's hard to judge.

Question: what are your current relationship with Muhortova?
Trankov: none. I realized either we'll have a bad relationship or none. Maria wanted to skate together till the next Olympics with me. I'm grateful to her for the 7 years we skated together and for our achievments. She will always remain in my heart and I will always think of her warmly. But, unfortunately, sometimes people have to face difficult decisions. It's sport. I think a change of partner will do her good as well.

meh... whining baby
fjn219 发表于 2010-4-21 09:19:05 | 显示全部楼层
berezhko 发表于 2010-4-21 10:20:46 | 显示全部楼层
dardan 发表于 2010-4-21 10:22:19 | 显示全部楼层
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