大家还记得前两次DWTS帮Kristi Yamaguchi和Shawn Johnson夺冠的帅哥舞蹈老师Mark Ballas吧?他在twitter里说Evan的最新Gala会由他担任编舞! 再作个小广告,偶家香香参加的the thin ice的编舞也素出自Mark老师之手。小道消息,ABC本来打算邀请Evan同时上dancing with the stars和the thin ice滴,但素上the thin ice要先转职,Evan奏米答应,偶觉得他打算再滑一年的话素认真的。粉期待这个新节目!
@EvanLysacek asked me to choreograph for him today! Can't wait buddy honored to do so :)
不过Tanith最近透露退意了,她说和Ben都觉得温哥华奥运是他们能给出的最好表现,不可能再超越了,所以决定不去都灵世锦赛。尽管还没有最后决定,奥运很可能真素BA滴last dance了。
照此下去岂不仍旧米时间date? 某人的身体莫非尊素铁打的不成?
刚刚过去的周末Evan邀请他在好莱坞的朋友们在Petit Ermitage Hotel举行了一个庆祝party。
party里邀请了很多DWTS的老师和明星,其中包括本次参赛的年龄最大的选手,刚刚登过月球的宇航员:80高龄的Buzz Aldrin爷爷。(对了,Evan是这次参赛选手里最年轻的。)Evan说老爷子身体倍棒,跳舞比他好。
he's rumored to do a stint on "Dancing with the Stars" but what does Evan Lysacek really want to do? According to Entertainment Weekly, he may get involved with hotels.
I have a lot of other interests…. Movies, design, other sports, literature, photography, fashion, travel, music, etc. But I am the kind of person that likes to sit down and formulate a plan and a course of action before I take my first step in a new direction. I need to find something that gives me the perfect balance of discipline and creativity. I’ve always admired hotel moguls like Andre Balazs, Steve Wynn, and Donald Trump (more real estate than hotel). (此段为小雷的话,他的几位商界偶像都素作酒店或地产为主的)
We say Evan totally has what it takes to be a hotelier. Good looks? Check. Slick hair? Check. Ability to wear tight clothing? Check. Requisite interests in photography and fashion? Check. Vague ideas about design and creativity? Check! (哈哈,强排这段)
Let's just hope he sticks with straight hotel properties. Those condo-hotel things haven't worked out so greatly recently.
不妨大胆预测一下小雷的未来3步走:1)完成建筑学业及HBS MBA;2)自己设计,建造Lysacek大酒店,并成为酒店老板;3)Lysacek酒店成为20年后某奥运会各国代表团指定使用酒店。 |