闭门苦练3星期,某人滴维也纳华尔兹终于粉拉轰滴登场鸟! 口素偶滴破相册也罢工歇业鸟。 等相册歇够了再上帅图哈。
白领结+燕尾服帅锅尊素华丽养眼,玉树临风啊 ,能翻墙滴童鞋可以去优管先睹为快
1) 白衣王子示范旱地拔葱三周,帅爆 。然后自报名号,拿冰刀那小眼神,冷峻+犀利+勾魂,杀人于无形~~
2) Anna老师穿着清凉,火辣亮相,说带了n个运动员,今年该轮上老娘染指一次奖杯了
3) Evan冰上练习,HLL滴跳跃,旋转,Frank又重复了脍炙人口滴金句:Evan is a Suicide Trainer,干啥都玩命。Evan忏悔,从小到大一直被人骂有技术米艺术,这次一定要脱胎换骨,给批评者们一个新的面貌
4) 二人第一次约会,温哥华某河边,情深深雨蒙蒙,那小情调肯定素穷聊奶奶滴大爱
5) 第一次练舞,帅哥频频杯具,不是晕倒在地,就是左脚踩右脚,老师粉蛋啶,Evan对自己粉恼火
6) 光阴似箭,经师傅的悉心指点,帅锅终于开窍,功夫精进,欲知训练成果如何,且看视频
比赛过程:自己看,保密 。曲终,全场起立鼓掌,Evan全家盛装出席,父母的气场都粉强大
赞:You're good! 身材线条gorgeous!
弹:you've got to point your toes honey (脚尖绷得不够直?该女评委竟然管Evan叫honey! )and you have to connect a bit more with the audience. 和观众的交流要多一点,偶也觉得Evan有点害羞。
赞:you have got great artistry, there's lovely musicality about you, you look very elegant. your posture's pretty good. (艺术表现力强,乐感好,气质优雅,姿态很好。)
弹:you've got clumsy feet,you've got to work on your footwork a bit more and get chemistry between the 2 of you. you're used to dance along, you're a couple now。(脚步动作要加强,太习惯于独来独往,和舞伴不够来电。)
评委3: 有点色滴男人,对大胸MM给分特慷慨,对帅哥通常给分较吝啬。
赞:你有747一样修长的手臂,却能像天鹅般优雅地舞蹈!(you're moving with the grace of a swan!) You're really using the space beautifully. 对空间利用好(那个舞池对Evan真的显得太小了,偶觉得他昨晚舞动时的flow超美,行云流水。)
弹:you've got a few things to do especially the connection with her, but wanderful! (要加强和舞伴配合)
分数:8 (全场第二,男生第一,还给了另一大波妹8)
http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/stor ... abc-article-7344154
One thing Lycacek says his athletic background helps with is playing through the pain. (希望脚伤表有大碍。 )
"As an athlete, they say if you wake up feeling great then you aren't working hard enough. I'm used to taking a lot of information and picking out the key points that are going to work. I'm used to criticism. It's like a continuation of figure skating training, but what's better is that's she's holding my hand and we're going through everything as a team," Lycacek said.
He sees more than a mirror ball trophy in his future. He was eyeing Eyewitness News reporter George Pennacchio's Channel 7 pin.
George was a good sport and made him a deal.
"You get a 10, you get a 7," said George.
"I get a 10, I get a 7. Okay, deal," Lycacek agreed. He said the pin is comparable to winning an Olympic gold medal.
OMG. Tonight is the night!
Costume, check.
Music, check.
Lights, check.
Skates, where are they?
Oh, that's right. Dance shoes, check.
My partner Anna reminded me that I do not have a 6 minute warm up before we perform…live like I do skating. I am hoping it all goes well tonight.
Please tune into "Dancing with the Stars" at 8pm/7pm CST and vote for your favorite couple…hopefully Anna and me! Our phone number is 1-800-868-3406 and you can text from your AT&T cell phones.
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