不错不错~果然放下SP上四的执念就立破PB,除了前两个跳跃有些shaky之外,其他的动作定级和执行都不错,在后面补连跳也不是第一次了:p PCS也有逐渐复苏的迹象,总之比上赛季初站SC无比凄惨的44.75好得太多,感觉师娘编的节目整体很像早年TD给Savoie编的风格~
觉得裁判还是比较认可TD的,至少去年Jeremy那套节目的CH分不低,一直是5个小分里比较高的,而且随着赛季进程渐长,据说LP在之前7月的Broadmoor Open之后也做了不少修改和完善,感觉这套编得比去年还难,clean的难度不小,不过既然已经跨过了SP这道坎,相信他在一向很少掉链子的LP里也能正常发挥...突然想到他和电眼的LP选曲都是tango混编,还都有Adios Nonino= =正好让TD和Lori阿姨一较高下
"I thought today was a bit of a fight. I was very excited about my result and my placement. It is much different this year than last. It went well, but it was a bit of a struggle, and I had to fight through some things. But I got the job done, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow," Abbott said. "Last season was very interesting for me because it was my first season on the Grand Prix. It was the first time that I tried a quad in my program, so there were lots of new variables that made me very uncomfortable. But having gone through that, I think it made me a lot stronger so that this season I could come back and I could deliver a much stronger performance and continue to build through my career. Even though last year was not what I wanted, I was very glad that it went the way it did so I could use it as a stepping stone to improve and to do better this year."
Pigs can fly!! FIGHT!! |