[讨论] 美国男单选手Adam Rippon讨论专帖

 楼主| dianaeve 发表于 2010-10-5 13:00:44 | 显示全部楼层
回复 238# audrey0106


回复 239#

其实这表情实在和音乐不大配合啦= = 可能是他实在太高兴太得意了。同希望他今年状态更上一层楼。。。

回复 240#

gx010010 发表于 2010-10-6 21:34:22 | 显示全部楼层
japan open后


Christina Gao还有罗大姐的推


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
dianaeve + 5 + 1 罗大姐真客气


 楼主| dianaeve 发表于 2010-10-7 18:10:17 | 显示全部楼层

Adam Rippon's Japan Open athlete diary
Adam Rippon日本公开赛运动手记
Team North America finishes second behind Team Japan

Adam Rippon and Jeff Buttle are all smiles at the Japan Open.
Adam Rippon和Jeff Buttle在日本公开赛上都在微笑。

By Adam Rippon, special to icenetwork.com


The Japan Open is a great season-opening competition. It's a chance for skaters to test-run programs before the Grand Prixes begin. What makes this event so different is that it's a pro-am team event. Four skaters -- two men and two ladies, professional and amateur alike-make up three teams (Team North America, Team Europe and Team Japan), with the team earning the highest point totals being the overall winner.


It was my first time skating in the Japan Open, and I had only heard a few things about what it was like from my good friend and team mate, Jeff Buttle. Going to Japan, Team North America decided it was necessary that we travel as a team to get in the competitive mindset (or it could have been that Cynthia Phaneuf and Joannie Rochette had flights that connected with the flight me and Jeff were on from Toronto... I'm still not sure.)

这是我第一次参加日本公开赛,我只是从我的好友和队友Jeff Buttle那里听到过一点有关这次比赛的情况。开赴日本的行程中,北美队认为很有必要保持团队行动和竞争意识(也有可能是Cynthia PhaneufJoannie Rochette 的航班刚好接上了我和Jeff从多伦多起飞的航班……至今我也不能确定)

Regardless, we were off to do our best! On our first day there, we had official competition practice and rehearsal for the "Carnival On Ice" exhibition. It was weird and cool all at the same time to be hanging out and having fun with the people you were going to be competing against tomorrow. Within a few hours, our wonderful choreographer, Yuka Sato, had finished up the opening and closing numbers and we were off to get some rest for competition day.


The competition day arrived and we, Team North America, were ready to go.


It is a tradition in the Japan Open that, before the events start, each team takes the ice and shows the audience its team cheer. My team was first to take the ice. We realized as soon as the other teams had shown the audience their cheer that ours wasn't that creative. With that behind us, Jeff gave us all a final pep talk: "Bad cheer, good skate." We all took it to heart.


I went out to skate, and I was very happy to show what I had been doing in practice at home all summer. I know I can do a lot better, but I think it was a solid start to this season. It was funny because after I finished my program, I was happy about how I did well for the team. Skating can feel so individual that the word "team" almost never comes to mind. At the same time, I was also happy that I won the men's event (as the true singles skater in me comes out).


Everyone skated really well, and I think for most all of us, our debuts were a success!


After the competition, we had the exhibition right away. It all went really smoothly and before I knew it, I was packing my bags and it was time to leave.


I want to thank all the fans who came and supported us. You're all the best :) On a more personal note, thank you to all my "Japanese Juliets" for their gifts, lovely banners and incredible support.

我要向所有来看演出和支持我们的粉丝表示感谢。你们都是最棒的:) 再次正式地感谢,谢谢我的“日本朱丽叶”们送我的礼物,还有她们可爱的横幅以及难以置信的支持。

Until next time,


Adam Rippon


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
gx010010 + 5 + 1 辛苦翻译


giftplanet 发表于 2010-10-8 21:47:56 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| dianaeve 发表于 2010-10-9 10:25:12 | 显示全部楼层

布头:Malcolm(可能是指一部美剧里的神童角色)你今天在哪?要是你想把“Sone”roll STAT(不知是什么动作,可能是布头的某个拿手技术吧)加入大奖赛的节目里就得开始练了。先跟着录像学,我精通这技术,明天教你。关键词:速度和脊柱!

卷毛:哈!我知道,我们在日本时你就差点成功过了。明天我会来!要是担心会摔倒,我们就只加一个Sone roll;加在节目里已经编完的那部分。肯定能成。


参与人数 1体力 +1 人气 +1 收起 理由
gx010010 + 1 + 1 他俩常勾搭


 楼主| dianaeve 发表于 2010-10-9 10:29:35 | 显示全部楼层
卷毛上了美国冰鞋官方杂志Us Figure Skating Magazine 10月号的封面(但官网的电子版还是9月的,得等几天)


《通向北京之路》 有关卷毛的部分:

Adam Rippon,两届世青赛冠军,将参加美国站和加拿大站的比赛。他说这对他很合适。


 楼主| dianaeve 发表于 2010-10-13 14:23:37 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 2体力 +10 人气 +2 收起 理由
audrey0106 + 5 + 1 好漂亮哦~~
gx010010 + 5 + 1 有明星范了


 楼主| dianaeve 发表于 2010-10-15 09:59:54 | 显示全部楼层

Frequently Asked Questions

October 2010

Adam, first of all I want to wish you to stay healthy during upcoming season. Do you have a favorite quote? Thank you! My favorite quote? I'm not sure if I have a "favorite" but there are many I like. The first one that pops into my head is "live each day to its fullest". I love it because it can be applied to so many things and to everyone.

What do you use as inspirations for your costumes for the season? Well, before I went to New York to work with Stephanie Handler on my costumes, I tried to study up on the music I was skating to. I went through a lot of pictures of different designers' work with a friend to have an idea of what I wanted/liked. I was really lucky that the ideas I had were very similar to what Stephanie had in mind. It worked out great!
你这个赛季的服装,灵感来自哪里?———— 嗯,在去纽约请Stephanie Handler制作服装前,我试着研究了节目所用的音乐。我和一个朋友一起看了很多不同设计师作品的图片,找到了我想要/喜欢的概念。非常幸运,我的概念跟Stephanie头脑中的很一致。所以合作很成功!

What movie did you cry when you see? What are your favorite movies? Have you seen Japanese movies? My favorite movies are comedies. What can I say? I'm a fun loving guy! I love Superstar, Romy and Michelle's high school reunion, Zoolander... This list could go on and on!
你看哪部电影时哭了?你最喜欢哪部电影?你看过日本电影吗?————我最喜欢的电影是喜剧片。我怎么哭得出呢?我是个爱开心的人!我喜欢看Superstar, Romy和Michelle's high school reunion, Zoolander... 还有好多好多!

Who is your favorite figure skater other than yourself? Favorite skater? So hard to answer, but I'll try... John Curry, Katarina Witt, Janet Lynn, Brian Orser, Brian Boitano, Michelle Kwan. They each brought something really unique and really performed. That's my favorite kind of skating. I could watch them for hours.
除了你自己以外你最喜欢哪位花样滑冰选手?————最喜欢的花滑选手?很难回答,我试试……John Curry, Katarina Witt, Janet Lynn, Brian Orser, Brian Boitano, Michelle Kwan。他们都很独特,很会表现。那是我最喜欢的滑冰方式。我可以连着几小时看他们的节目。

What kind of figure skater would you like to become? I would like to become the kind of skater that younger skaters look up to. I want to be the kind of skater that makes the audience think and feel something when I skate.

Which one of your programs do you like most? Wow! I don't know if I can choose! I love both of my programs so much. When I think of saying I like one more than the other I start to think of all the other things I love about the program I didn't choose. So to answer the question (sort of); I love them both equally! ;)

If you were not a figure skater, what would you do? I have no idea what I would be doing. I can't imagine my life without skating. It's my passion and what is life without passion?!?!

What were the best dream and the worst nightmare you've ever had? Best dream? I'm not sure. The good dreams aren't as vivid as the bad ones. The worst dream is probably when I dream of going to a competition and fall on everything. I also hate that dream everyone gets that you're falling and you wake up right before you hit the ground!

What do you do to completely relax? I usually put some good music on and light a candle to really chill out. FYI, real men light candles.

Coming from an aspiring male figure skater I am wondering how it was for you to ice skate when you were growing up? Did you have a group of supportive friends? Having a group of supportive friends is really important. When I was in school I was really proud to be a skater and of what I was doing. As far as teasing, I never took any of it personally. It never is personal, it's just said to make other people laugh and I think because I have a good sense of humor, it never bothered me. If you enjoy what you do, don't let anyone bring you down!

If you could be any superhero, which would you be and why? I would be Superman because he can fly.

Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet" and "Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2" are enduringly popular. The music pieces are one of the most played piece by famous pianists. Whose performance is your pick? I had a big say in my music this year but David Wilson knows so much about picking the perfect arrangement. My short program is performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and my long by the London Symphony Orchestra.
柴可夫斯基的罗密欧与朱丽叶,以及拉赫玛尼诺夫第二钢琴协奏曲,是永远的经典。这些音乐是钢琴家最为常见的演奏曲目。你选择的是哪些演出?————今年我对音乐有了更多发言权,不过David Wilson非常精通于选择最好的选段。我的短节目是芝加哥交响乐团演奏的,自由滑是伦敦交响乐团演奏的。

You skated in several shows with Alexei Yagudin, Evgeni Plushenko, Daisuke Takahashi, Evan Lysacek, Stephane Lambiel and Jeffrey Buttle. What impression did you get from the excellent men single skaters? How does that experience affect you? Skating in the shows with all of those World and Olympic champions was a great experience. I wanted to learn from them so I made sure to watch how they prepared for their programs and how they skated. It was a lot to take in but what a way to learn!
你在一些商演中跟Alexei Yagudin, Evgeni Plushenko, Daisuke Takahashi, Evan Lysacek, Stephane Lambiel 和Jeffrey Buttle一起演出过。你对这些优秀男单选手的印象是什么?这些经历对你有什么影响?————在商演中跟那些世界冠军和奥运冠军们一起演出是很不错的经历。我想跟他们学习,这样能够看到他们是如何准备节目和如何滑行的。 我学到了那么多,而且这种学习方式太棒了!

Adam you make some beautiful catch foot spins so I was wondering if you able to do a Biellmann spin? Have you ever practiced it? When I was younger I did practice Biellmann spins. I thought I had a pretty good one until I saw it on video for the first time. Man, was that thing ugly! To make a long story short, I don't practice them any more :P!

What is your No. 1 goal for the season? My number one goal for this season is show maturity, consistent, clean, and passionate skating every time I go out to compete or skate in a show!

How many siblings do you have? And how often do you see your brothers and sisters? I have three brothers and two sisters. I don't get to see them often enough. I really miss them while I'm away. I do have the chance to see them about four or five times a year which is always a lot of fun.

Are you the only skater in the family? I am the only skater in my family. My grandmother was a self taught hockey player in the winter. That's as far back as my family's skating dynasty goes. ;)

What is your favorite part about training in Canada? My favorite part about living in Canada? I love having my own apartment, the great group of coaches I work with, close friends. I feel really comfortable with where I am living. I love the city of Toronto and I love to be able to train here. I feel really lucky all the time.


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 贡献 +1 收起 理由
lxy_1904 + 5 + 1 + 1 摸脸儿这么一大家子,奶奶自学打冰球,哈哈 ...


gx010010 发表于 2010-10-29 11:09:58 | 显示全部楼层
skate canada 后台


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
dianaeve + 5 + 1 谢谢


 楼主| dianaeve 发表于 2010-10-30 11:20:36 | 显示全部楼层
10大奖赛加拿大站SP 美国冰协官方版
 楼主| dianaeve 发表于 2010-10-30 11:55:59 | 显示全部楼层
花样男子 发表于 2010-10-30 16:00:47 | 显示全部楼层
qianmianmonv 发表于 2010-10-30 16:04:05 | 显示全部楼层
小媚娘的SP表现力实在是太出色了!!!! !!!!!好喜欢啊~~~
偶就说偶的眼光是不会错的!!! !!!!花痴啊···花痴~~~·


小媚娘LP加油~~~~ ~~争取超过裙裙~~·【除非裙裙不开外挂】


参与人数 1体力 +5 人气 +1 收起 理由
花样男子 + 5 + 1 给我开个后门吧?我要注册!哈哈!


giftplanet 发表于 2010-10-30 16:22:46 | 显示全部楼层
鼓掌,卷毛发挥得很好啊,越来越喜欢他了,LP继续加油! 把群群甩开,群群不要客气继续趴,这pcs真是笑话
花样男子 发表于 2010-10-30 17:17:25 | 显示全部楼层
回复 253# qianmianmonv

    媚娘同学真是爆发了啊!整套节目无可挑剔 ,当然也可能是大叔有帮夫运,带谁谁红
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